Tag clouds for specific content and specific display locations
Using Jamroom
OK - so with these strings we can set up a box and search button to search all tags for either all blogs of a specific profile, or just one blog on that profile. If there are no profiles with more than one blog, then Michael's solution should be fine in every case.
Should the string be added in a new field in the "profile create" form or the "profile settings" form or both, or neither (i.e. somewhere else?). These are the only profile-specific places I know where I can add fields, though not directly "in a template that is showing on a profile"
If we go to ACP>Profile module>Templates we see templates that apply to all profiles and with no option to add a new template. So that also doesn't look like the place for a profile-specific template.
How else can a specific profile be targeted? How can the position of the tag search box be controlled?
These are not matters I would attempt doing on my own, so the questions do not need to be answered here unless the answers are of general interest.
I am just happy to know that in principle, the tag search system within a site can be made more selective.
Note: here are real life examples of what I have in mind: when publishers put the content of multiple journals online, we can search the contents of each journal separately. Or on radio or music sites with different channels, we can search each channel separately. In a JR site, each journal or each channel is likely to belong to a separate profile.
Searching tags for all published content is useful, and so is searching tags for specific content areas
updated by @researchcooperative: 11/14/19 06:34:33AM