Is it possible to automatically display all profiles in a gallery?
Using Jamroom
There has been little discussion of this issue, as far as I can see.
The major role of social networks is to help people find each other. Like findng books in a library, one of the most effective and pleasurable ways is to browse the shelves.
Here the library will be a photo gallery, and we will need some kind of logical stucture in the shelf arrangements, with a basic set of search options...
First up - switch on the lights, then...
1. Search all profiles in a network gallery for all profles (simple and advanced search options).
2. Order profiles by newest, be alphabetical, by most viewed, etc.
3. Group profiles into sub-galleries according to profile category (as defined by the quotas)... and then apply 1 and 2 above within each gallery.
4. Allow exclusion of selected profile categories (quotas) and individual profiles.
That's just my wish list. Sorry I can't offer a zillion dollars to pay for all the coding. Is anyone out there working on a module or widget for all this?
updated by @researchcooperative: 05/09/15 06:18:56AM