Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

03/28/15 05:40:18AM
694 posts

What exactly is the Timeline and how can it be used?

Using Jamroom

Thanks, that clarifies the matter.

I will start by seeing what I can do with judicious selection of which quotas include a timeline, so that unrelated activities are at least excluded.

I wonder how other jamroom sites use the existing Timeline module.

Maybe I should report the activities of specific forums using RSS feeds that display on the top page, and deactivate Timeline module for those forums.

This is not exactly what I was intending, but might actually be a better goal.
03/27/15 06:03:45PM
694 posts

What exactly is the Timeline and how can it be used?

Using Jamroom

Here's another item for possible inclusion in the glossary: What is the Timeline and how can it be used?

The Activity Timeline module states only this:

"Users can enter updates and log activity to their Timeline"

But where will the timeline be shown? And how can Admin control what goes into a timeline of a particular Quota (i.e. location or functional area of a network)?

For example, if I am using a Quota for forums related to editing, I would like to control the timeline that appears alongside those forums. I want that timeline to show all activity related to the use of the editing forums, by any followers who follow the "Editing profile" created for that location in the network.

My impression at the moment is that the timeline is linked to each user and the same timeline may appear on all that users profiles. So if a user posts a message in the Editing forums, that activity will not appear in a timeline next to the forums, but next to the profile of the user.

i.e. the Activity Timeline system is user centered.

Is there any simple way to set up a location centered Timeline, to display the activity of all users who are active in that location?
updated by @researchcooperative: 04/28/15 05:25:59PM
03/22/15 12:48:45AM
694 posts

How to use the jrGravatar module to provide a default profile image?

Using Jamroom

Quote: For 7 years i have REQUIRED that users upload a profile image of their own

Dear Derrick,

When Ning first started, we could change the default photo and the previously-used defalt photos remained unchanged on the profiles of people who had joined earlier. It might work like this at Jamroom. (Later, Ning made each new default over-ride previous default images, so this method of introducing visual diversity no longer worked. I asked Ning if we could have a simple toggle control on the default over-ride effect, but there was no response).

When the old defaults remain alongside the new deafult, the default images as a whole provide a kind of quick guide as to who joined when, so long as the admin keeps changing the default. I used to change it every few weeks, in order to introduce variation into the members list page.

We do need at least some variation as it provides a visual cue that helps users remain orientated when scrolling through the member list.

It would not be difficult to put an approximate date on each default image used (using photoshop or powerpoint or any other tool for putting text on photos). This could be in a phrase such as "Member since March 2015". Or "Joined in March 2015".

That might be good for some networks.... just a thought.
updated by @researchcooperative: 03/22/15 12:52:05AM
03/22/15 12:32:53AM
694 posts

How to use the jrGravatar module to provide a default profile image?

Using Jamroom

Nope. The Seagull of Howth jpeg did not fly into view.

Instead another image I put in the system (as my own uploaded profile image as admin) has come up from somewhere else.

So it seems that the User Accounts image tab may only be effective for the new profile of a new user, not the new profile of an existing user who already has an image in the system.

I'll keep tinkering to see how this works.
03/21/15 07:07:19PM
694 posts

How to use the jrGravatar module to provide a default profile image?

Using Jamroom

This gives me hope... went to ACP>Users>User Accounts>Images tab, and found a generic human silhouette avatar and a night sky image. When I use the browse option next to the generic avatar, my photo file name appears at right, as if poised to be uploaded, but when I save changes, that disappears and I am back to the avatar.

So then I try the upload new mage option at the bottom, and that uploads, shows my image at leaft, but then displays a piece of code: Template Code (no wrap):
{jrCore_image module="jrUser" image="howthseagull.jpg"}

Am I done, or this now something that I need to copy and paste into the core?

Explanatory notes alongside the image management panel would be useful...

Meanwhile, I'll try making a new profile and see if my image has somehow taken over from the avatar.

The avatar has an unmarked checkbox, suggesting that it is inactive.
03/21/15 07:43:02AM
694 posts

How to use the jrGravatar module to provide a default profile image?

Using Jamroom

Some advice is give in the Global Config section of the Gravatar module, next to the Enable option.

Quote:If this option is checked, if a user has not uploaded a custom user image, the URL for a gravatar image will be used in it's place.

Then providing a Default Image style is partly explained:

Quote:If the user has not uploaded a Gravatar image, what style would you like to use for the default image?

View details here:
Default: Default

OK... so I went to that link at the Gravatar site, and was told that we can "supply the URL to an image in the d= or default= parameter."

What is this all about?

Which d= or default= parameter, where?

And where should my image be located so that it can have an URL that I can then place after the = sign?

Most of my images are located in a file in my computer and do not have any URLs. They are just photos.

So that's the Gravatar system. Should I make an account with Gravatar and... then what?

Is there any other way to provide default profile images?

Or is using Gravatar going to be the easiest way, if more complete instructions exist (for website administrators wanting default images other than the Gravatar corporate default thing which looks like an eyesight test).

From the blind navigator at helm of large supertanker.

updated by @researchcooperative: 05/06/15 12:16:28AM
03/21/15 03:01:21AM
694 posts

Is it possible to automatically display all profiles in a gallery?

Using Jamroom

Quote: 1. Feels like what your after is a bunch of profiles that the admin has created in one quota, then user signups to a second quota. The admin then assigns users to be able to access the first quotas profiles on an individual case. Might need a custom module if you want them to grant themselves access

2 designers are not limited by that premise and they can build custom skins that override/extend core functionality. So while it may not become a core feature, there might be a skin designed containing that feature.

RE 1. Yes... I've set up:
- one quota for my admin profile and a network profile,
- one quota for setting up groups with related forums alongside (one of each per profile, along with a timeline, an explanatory FAQ and pages for useful related information (personal profiles will not be set up with this quota),
- one quota for regular members (a default free membership)
- one quota for special members (where some members might like to set up shop selling their services, if I can make it an attractive proposition).

I expect most members to stay with their regular member profile, and then follow any already-established group-and-forum that is relevant for their work.

My experience in the network I have at Ning is that very few people have any interest in setting up new groups or forums, and those that do soon lose interest and make no effort to promote or develop their own creations. That's OK because I really want members to focus on the groups and forums established by Admin, for practical work purposes.

RE 2. Most of my suggestions come from experience as a Ning network creator. In that system, it is super easy to add fields to a signup form, and those fields automatically becoem the frame for advanced search across all profiles. Unfortunately, the profile field labels also become part of what the in house system indexes, so it is difficult to search the profiles without generating spurious results that pickup the field labels, rather than the profile contents only.

Perhaps some day I will master form construction at Jamroom, and be able to design my own search forms.

Still, I think adding further networking-friendly search functions to the Ningja skin might work well for most networks coming from Ning, and the members of those networks who enjoy browsing other member profiles in multiple ways.

Time for me to watch an instruction video...

ps Today we stole weedy horsetail heads from our neighbours and grass for our pet rabbit/living house god, who is not part of the deal, though probably well-suited for an Irish potato stew. I didn't have that thought.
03/20/15 07:54:55AM
694 posts

Is it possible to automatically display all profiles in a gallery?

Using Jamroom

I'll try to stick to the real dirt in my rented garden plot. Anyone looking for Spring potatoes in exchange for code? :)
updated by @researchcooperative: 03/20/15 07:56:09AM
03/20/15 05:55:07AM
694 posts

Is it possible to automatically display all profiles in a gallery?

Using Jamroom

The first option works with my site, which is in ninja skin, with Sitebuilder installed and active.

A search box appears, but only allows us to search on the profile names, which is only useful if one is looking for a known person with a known profile name.

Still, it is useful to be able show all the profiles like this, as another starting point for users who wish to explore the network.

Further thoughts...

1. Allowing all visitors or network members to search one or more selected fields within a profile description form will add great power to the social-networking function of a jamroom site.

I hope this can become a standard feature of the Ningja skin, if not all skins... eventually.

2. Profiles at my network consist of two kinds..

a) Single function profiles, each of which occupies a profile category (with its quota)in order to support activities related to a specific service area, such as editing, or tranlating.

b) Personal profiles that represent actual people, who can join as regular members, special members, network volunteers, network staff, and so on.

Eventually I'd like to separate the (a) and (b) profiles and allow them to be set up with different profile descriptions (admin-created in the the first case, and user-created in the second case).

3. Profile searches could then be directed to just the personal profiles using field-specific searches that correspond to fields in a profile form that has to be filled at sign up (or different profile forms if different forms are needed for different profile categories).

I presume that all this can be done (eventually) with the existing coding system, but non-coders such as myself will have to wait until the suggested range of options (more or less) become standard, or we can employ someone to tweak the code of an existing network.

updated by @researchcooperative: 03/20/15 06:50:59AM
03/19/15 06:03:51AM
694 posts

Is it possible to automatically display all profiles in a gallery?

Using Jamroom

Yes... but how do we showcase all profiles?

I think in my case the profiles were all there in a default top page (Jamroom default skin) that has somehow disappeared now that I am trying to use Sitebuilder in Ningja to design a top page.
