Communication options for members and for administrator
Using Jamroom
I don't use twitter... it would be good to have a jamroom-specific explanation of how this works...
This is my current understanding, written as an explanation for an ordinary network member:
Every Jamroom profile has a unique @Name which appears under their profile image.
If you find "private messages" option in the main menu under your name, after login, then you can send a private message to anyone if the network owner has allowed unrestricted private messaging for all member profiles.
If you can only send messages to followers of your profile (the default setting for a network), then you can alert the other person using their @Name address in a public comment (e.g. via a Timeline entry on your profile page, or a forum message or forum reply).
Here is an example:
@michael - happy to send and receive private messages (please follow me - the default restriction is used here at Jamroom).
Of course, public messaging is usually best here the support forums!
One reason to separate the function of following from the function of messaging is that following allows us to more easily observe the actvity of another member before we decide whether to try making direct contact.
There might be many situations where we want to follow someone's public activities, without opening the channel for private communication.
Which leads me to another thought... when profiles represent a a commercial entity, private messaging might be a valuable tool for commercial promotion.
Network members might want to discriminate between allowing private messages from individuals in a network, and commercial entities in the same network.
To genralise from this, if a network has multiple member categories, users might want different privacy/communication options for different member categories.
At, I am considering three member categories:
1. Regular member (for all work and social purposes, with full access to work forums and social focus group discussion threads).
2. Social member (for social purposes only, access limited to discussion threads in topic focus groups).
3. Special member - with ability to set up a business shopfront and redirect URL.
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/25/15 06:05:05AM