When we set the "display" setting in form designer, who are we displaying to?
Using Jamroom
Pre-set designs would be fine... for adjusting all elements of the public view of a profile page.
Your tweak (or design) for my Ninja-skin profile_sidebar.tpl file a while back allowed me to show profile data in the sidebar.
Today I could tweak your tweak with my very basic html knowledge.
It would be nice to have:
(1) a design showing how put the profile data at the top of the page in the main profile panel, and
(2) a design showing how to show different fields for different profiles for which different profile fields have been created.
Not all my profiles are person profiles. Many are profiles for service areas in my network, e.g. for forums and groups related to editing. I can create a different set of profile fields for the one profile in my Editing quota, but I can't (with my lack of coding knowledge) isolate the relevant fields for public display in just that profile and quota.
I wish we had something like the Sitebuilder tools for playing with the layout and published content of profile pages, while not interferring with the templates that determine what content is published in the profile page.
i.e. having changed a template to show profile data in the sidebar, could a front-end tool like Sitebuilder be used to shift that data into another area of all profile pages in the same quota?
updated by @researchcooperative: 08/29/15 06:20:15AM