Designing a profile form for profiles in Quota X, and a different form for profiles in Quota Y
Using Jamroom
You can select WHAT quotas see WHICH specific fields...
(The following comments can be skipped to see a short and perhaps answerable question at the end.)
Thanks again...
I understand that the above quoted statement is a kind of shorthand for explaining the system... but what I need is a step-by-step guide that explains how to create profile forms that PEOPLE see.
In writing such a (hypothetical) guide, please begin with the point of view of a non-member visiting a Jamroom site, and wanting to see what kind of people are members. First step of a curious non-member will be to visit the profile pages (and this will apply to 99% of Jamroom sites, regardless of their purpose, I imagine).
The profiles may represent actual individuals, or they may be company names, or groups, or whatever. But a person is looking at their computer and wanting to see what the site is for, and what others are doing there.
So how does the site administrator make sure visitors can see those profiles?
Who is in control? Do profile owners always have the power to make their own profile public or private (i.e. published or not published?). Can Admin. make this optional or not optional by default?
In my case, as Admin., I want profile owners to be able to publish or unpublish their profiles, and for their profiles to be easily seen by all users if published. So I will be selecting "Display to (group) all users including logged-out" for every field in the create form and every field the settings form. Does 'display to all users including logged out' mean that a selected field will be seen on all profiles in all quotas by all visitors to the site?
The problem I have is that nothing I do with the form designer seems to have any visible effect on profile pages.
A few fields have previously been hard-wired (at my site to be visible on profile pages, but 'Display' for a newly created field in the 'Form designer' does not seem to mean actual display on profile pages.
There are missing steps and no direct links between designing a form field, choosing display options for a set of fields, and actual display to people looking at the site.
In principle, there are four categories of PEOPLE who might or might not see a published profile:
A. Logged in Master Admin.
B. Logged in profile owners
C. Logged in network members
D. Non-members and all logged-out members, profile owners, and Admin.
As a logged in Master Admin., I would like to be able to design a sign-up form with muliple fields, for a specific quota, and then do a preview of how it will look to the people in Group D.
And then, with one click (i.e. "Save form" button), I would like it to become the form that new members see when they sign up, confirm with their own preview for their primary member profile, and then publish. And I would like that to be the same form they see when they return to the site and want to edit their regular member profile data. Forms designed for other quotas should be set up and work with similar convenience.
For my network, I would prefer 'publishing a completed, filled-in form' to mean publishing for Group D, but for other networks the default might be to publish for group C, or logged in members of a 'private group' within a larger network membership.
I agree that flexibility is good, and needed, but I wish the Jamroom administration system could be more admin-friendly and regular-member-friendly in its operation.
I can see that the basic system is fantastic, but in this essential matter of form design, it remains unusable for me.
In short, I don't know what 'display to Quota means'. What does this mean?
updated by @researchcooperative: 02/02/16 07:38:15AM