Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

04/12/17 03:55:21PM
694 posts

Where can the language for the activity title "Latest Music" be found and changed?

Using Jamroom

I found the following ACP route useful:

ACP>Skin Settings> Skin Style>Language>page 2>String No. 14 (Music)

This solved the visible issue of the profile page activity panel labelled "Latest Music". This now reads "Latest Audio".

However, when I check the skin .tpl file (profile_index_music.tpl) (after resetting caches) I do not see any change there. For example:

{capture name="latest_music" assign="m_tpl"}

and other code in the .tpl still use the term "music" so I expect this will be seen elsewhere by users.

I can cross this bridge when I come to it.
updated by @researchcooperative: 04/12/17 04:10:17PM
04/11/17 03:33:51PM
694 posts

Where can the language for the activity title "Latest Music" be found and changed?

Using Jamroom

Thanks. Looking at the .tpl I can see that it refers to the jrAudio and jrSoundcloud modules.
Is it safe to go through this script and replace the word Music with Audio in every position?
04/11/17 07:14:48AM
694 posts

Where can the language for the activity title "Latest Music" be found and changed?

Using Jamroom

Profiles on my site have an empty activity panel called "Latest Music".

What module does this refer to (if any), and where can the language be found and changed?

I thought maybe the panel is for activity related to audiofiles, but when I check the language editors for "Audio" and "Audio (Combined)" modules, I cannot find the words "Latest Music".
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/14/17 01:56:14PM
04/11/17 05:33:19AM
694 posts

Explaining Timelines

Using Jamroom

This is not a question, but rather an example of one way to explain Timelines to the members of a network where the module has been activated. Others are welcome to use this as a template if wanted. I have added this to the Documentation page of my network. Comments and corrections are welcome!


Every member of the [Yournetwork] has a "Timeline" tab on his or her profile page.

Initially, only you can see the Timeline on your profile page.

If you allow others to "Follow" your profile, they can also see the Timeline of your activities.

If you "Follow" another member, you will be able to see that member's Timeline when you visit his or her profile page. You will also see their Timeline entries in your own Timeline.

How does it work?

The timeline provides a chronological list of messages related to your profile and activities in the network.

This can include short messages left directly on your Timeline, using the message entry box provided.

Other items (e.g. a photo, or a page) added to your profile can be included in the Timeline by clicking on the check box next to the item of interest.

The Timeline also includes links to your discussion messages anywhere in the network, in the discussion threads of our focus groups, for example.

Why have Timelines?

They provide an intuitive way for us to navigate through the network, through the activities of other members we are following.

They also help us keep track of our own activities in other areas of the network, outside our own Profile page.
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/13/17 07:41:22PM
04/09/17 08:54:16PM
694 posts

Which browsers and browser versions are compatible with which versions of JR?

Using Jamroom

Thanks. Above suggestions and info all good... I just need to tread carefully as the person concerned is a very senior and busy person in the field of research communications, and may quickly lose patience with me!
04/09/17 03:47:54PM
694 posts

Which browsers and browser versions are compatible with which versions of JR?

Using Jamroom

One of my network members recently stated that he cannot view his Profile page properly using a Safari browser. I am using the most recent JR core and module updates, and a clone of the most recent Ningja skin.

I have just done a quick check of the Support forums, FAQ, and Documentation, and have not found any summary statement concerning which browsers can be used with which versions of JR.

Is browser compability (1) skin-version, (2) JR-core-version, (3) module-version dependent, or dependent on all of these (1-3)?

Can these versions be mapped against the different generations of major browsers in a table, so that we can see at a glance where issues might arise?

And what kinds of issues are likely to be generated by browser incompatability? What breaks down first?

Sorry for the many questions.
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/19/17 02:10:01PM
04/03/17 06:28:20AM
694 posts

Understanding the options for adding and modifying search functions in JR

Using Jamroom


In Site Builder, there is a list of Widgets. One of them is called Site Search.

When we open this, two fields are shown: Widget Title, and Search Module.

For the Search Module field, there is a dropdown list.

Top of the list is "Search all Modules"

Beneath this, there is a lit of all the modules that can be searched individually.

When a search box is created with this widget, it generates an empty box into which users can enter keywords.

Ideally, we (as site admin.) would have additional options in this widget to set up (a) a popup help note explaining how to use the particular search function, and (b) a language string inside the search box that provides guidance on how to construct the search.

I don't know how to do either of these things, and am certainly not able to set up the basic coding to make it possible, if it is not already possible.
04/03/17 05:32:52AM
694 posts

Understanding the options for adding and modifying search functions in JR

Using Jamroom

Since I have a large network with many members, I am interested in maximising the ease with which members can find eachother, using all the different search functions provided by JR. Here I have two questions:

1. Just now, I am wondering how I can add a language string inside the search box generated by the Search widget inside Site Builder.

This seems to be a different beast (in a friendly sense) from the jrSearch module located under the Listing tab in the ACP.

2. In the Documentation for JR, is there already in one place a summary of all the different ways that Search functions can be added to a JR site, with links to details in the respective areas of documentation? (Or can a summary can be added in reply to this question?)

Thanks, Peter

updated by @researchcooperative: 07/02/17 07:41:33PM
04/03/17 05:15:27AM
694 posts

My Activity log (in Dashboard) is suddenly full of "404 Page not found" error reports

Using Jamroom

As in the title, the "404 Page not found" reports have dominated my activity log for the last few days (I see nothing else in fact; even the Kickbox activity reports are drowned out).

Is there any obvious reason why this might happen? I have not intentionally changed any settings that might cause 404 reports to be displayed. Where can I check the options for this?

Thanks, Peter
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/02/17 12:30:04PM
03/27/17 06:42:31AM
694 posts

Using Akismet (Spam Blocker module)

Installation and Configuration

I am trying to set up the Akismet-based spam blocker on my site.

1. This information is given in documentation:

"When a new user signs up to your site, you can put them in a probation period where everything they post is run through the spam filters, you can strip all the HTML they post and take action on URL's they post."

For most new users, is there any obvious effect of running this?
Will everyone be waiting (the probation period) while their message is checked?
Will all messages be stripped until proven innocent?
Or does it mean that only messages in which Akismet finds risky wil be stripped and put on probation? (I hope so).

2. At the Akismet site, I could not see any option for a free service, so paid 3,000 yen for an annual subscription (basic, personal). An API key was generated, and I have loaded this into the system on my JR site.

3. After looking around my account page at Akismet, I found a button for "Add site". This accepted the http://yoursite URL. I am hoping that this is OK.

No need to enter it as https//: ? (with s added).

updated by @researchcooperative: 09/20/17 07:47:12PM