How to leave? (How to delete, or how to remove, own account?)
Using Jamroom
Thanks. Using the forums module I created a simple custom form with the restriction that it can be viewed (and used) by logged in users only.
See ACP>Forms>Simple Custom Forms
After creating the form, I found its URL and then went to
ACP>Core>System Core>Tools>User Menu Editor
and inserted the form URL there.
In the user dropdown menu, the form is identifed as "Close my account", and in the text box explaining how to use the form, I have set out three options for leaving, based on our discussion above:
"Your account can be closed in three ways. Please tell us which option you prefer (O1, O2 or O3).
There is no need to tell us why you wish to leave, but we would be grateful if you do tell us.
Option 1 - Please move my account to a closed account archive where none of the details can be seen except by Admin. (The account can be renewed at any time with a further request to Admin).
Option 2 - [Your site name] can keep all posted content if It is wanted, but please remove all my personal details (username, email address, personal profile details) from the account. (The account will be given a number label and will be managed by [Your site name]).
Option 3 - Please delete all records of my account including all posted messages and attached replies, profile details, and other content. (After deletion, nothing can be recovered)."
I will call this thread solved, but hope that Strumelia's suggestions regarding the existing "delete profile" button can be considered.
The coding would be tricky I presume, but there is probably a whole raft of ways that leaving options could be (a) integrated with how user accounts are set up in quotas, and (b) configured under the labels of "delete profile" and "delete account".