Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

08/20/17 07:26:00PM
694 posts

Item ratings module configured "allowed to rate" but rating system doesn't work

Using Jamroom

Hi - here are two screen shots, one showing how the Global Config is set up for the Item Ratings module.
Gallery_unrated copy.jpg Gallery_unrated copy.jpg - 323KB
08/20/17 02:58:37AM
694 posts

What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?

Using Jamroom


JR hosting did the install for me, so I think what I need to do here - some day - is open a contract request and pay someone to optimize my favicons for all users.

My members come from many different countries, using many different systems, and many of them undoubtedly using ancient versions of hardware and software.

It may actually be important for me to have as broad a range of favicons as can be practically used.

This discussion has helped me see the scope of the problem.
08/20/17 02:51:25AM
694 posts

Item ratings module configured "allowed to rate" but rating system doesn't work

Using Jamroom

In the Quota Config I have allowed self-rating for Admin quota, but not for the Member quotas.

But despite that, I cannot rate my own submitted photos, nor can I rate photos submitted by others!
08/20/17 02:14:20AM
694 posts

Item ratings module configured "allowed to rate" but rating system doesn't work

Using Jamroom

Hi, I have configured the ratings module for "allowed to rate" in the member modules, using the default five stars rating, and can see the stars on items uploaded by members....

... but even as admin I cannot actually click a star and cause it to light up, to make a rating. I presume that is what happens when a rating is made.

I also have the Admin quota configured as "allowed to rate".

In the Global Config, the option for "Only Active Modules" is not checked, and login is checked as "required".

Am I missing some critical aspect of the configuration?

updated by @researchcooperative: 11/20/17 09:26:38AM
08/20/17 01:52:53AM
694 posts

What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?

Using Jamroom

Thanks, but sorry... I don't know what that means.

I've been hunting about for definitions of "home directory" on the Internet, and something called public_html comes up, but when I look for this in my ACP, or in my skin templates search bar, nothing shows.

I will call this thread solved. Until I know better, it seems that the jr Favicon Creator module has solved my problem.

Thanks again. P.
08/19/17 11:36:29PM
694 posts

What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?

Using Jamroom

Thanks all. This got me a little way further - and maybe far enough.

I rediscovered the inbuilt favicon system of my site, and could replace the JR favicon that was showing by default.

I also looked at realfavicongenerator and downloaded a package of favicon that I presume is more comprehensive than our inbuilt JR system. The instructions for realfavicongenerator include the statement:

"Extract this package in the root of your web site"

How to do this is unknown to me, and sounds dangerous to do through guesswork. The instructions give an example of yoursitename/favicon.ico as a way of finding the root, but all I found is a visual reproduction of an existing favicon, namely the JR default icon (even though this is no longer displayed by my site). I did not find any way to "extract the package".

The next instruction is to "Insert the following code in the head section of your pages:...etc"

I found a head section in the meta.tpl of my skin template editor. Is that where the code should go? Presumably the site only has only one head section.

Maybe all I really need is what I have been able to set up using the inbuilt JR "Favicon Creator" module, in the collection of "Site" modules.

I only need to know about "extracting a package" inside the "root" if there is a good reason to use the larger favicon set provided by the outside source.
updated by @researchcooperative: 08/19/17 11:39:09PM
08/18/17 05:59:42AM
694 posts

What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?

Using Jamroom

The discussion I found with that stack overflow link looks relevant, but the discussion thread assumes that the reader knows why and where people are displaying favicon or icons, or why and where they looking at them. There is no context and I cannot make head nor tail from it.

I have noticed a tiny JR bue/green favicon appears at left next to the URL of my site in my browser when I am looking at my site. That is presumably a default icon that I can change somewhere, somehow. Would this be causing the odd message I see for any reason?
08/18/17 04:01:06AM
694 posts

What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?

Using Jamroom

I am trying to learn about the people who visit my site by looking at the Users Online log in Dashboard.

Often I see a subdomain URL that refers to part of my site, and indicates where a visitor landed.

What does the following mean?


If I put this into the URL for my domain, a "Page does not exist" message appears.
updated by @researchcooperative: 11/19/17 03:12:18AM
08/15/17 06:07:31AM
694 posts

Timeline checkbox appears in signup form. People joining network may be puzzled

Using Jamroom

Today I discovered that the Timeline Quota settings include the option to have a checkbox appear in create/update forms (see quoted text below).

The default setting is "on", and the result is that even a signup form will have this checkbox, as it is just another instance of a "create" form. People signing up to join a network may be puzzled or annoyed when asked to decide about a Timeline option that is not familiar or important for them.

Is there any easy way to have this checkbox NOT apply to signup forms, by default, while letting it apply to other forms that may be created or updated at various times after a member has joined (e.g. profile create/update forms)?

My own solution has been to turn the option off for my new regular member signup quota. It is important for new users to have a simple signup experience without distractions or friction. This means profile form creation and updates will not be shown on member timelines, but that is OK in my case.

"If this option is checked, an "Add To Timeline" checkbox will appear in create/update forms that will allow the user to decide if they want their action added to their timeline. If this is unchecked, then all actions will be recorded to the Timeline.
Default: on "
updated by @researchcooperative: 01/31/18 02:48:21AM
08/09/17 06:27:20AM
694 posts

How should the Signup Password fields (first and second entry) be set up?

Using Jamroom

On the Form Designer page for User/Signup and User/Account, when editing the field settings for user_passwd1 and user_passwd2 we are warned with a bright yellow alert header:

"This field is required for proper functionality - do not make inactive or change the field type, validation or group fields!"

OK. But...

(1) when I look at the display settings that control who gets to see a field, I find that the Password fields are displayed only to the "Normal Users" group. Since my signup quota is a quota for "Power Users", should I add the "Power Users" group here?

(2) At the bottom of the field settings, the box "Required" is unchecked. This goes against common sense for a signup form that requires password settings.

Have I accidentally changed this at some point? Perhaps not many people are joining my network because they don't have to enter passwords when signing up, and might fail in their attempt to set up an account as a result, without me ever knowing.

But that warning sign seems to be telling me not to change anything. If I check the box for "Required" is that in effect a second step needed to make it "Active"? (My "Active" box is checked on). Perhaps the warning box can use wording that explicitly says, please leave the "Required" checkbox unchecked (or checked, as the case may be).

updated by @researchcooperative: 11/07/17 10:51:23PM