What does "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" mean in the "Users Online" log?
Using Jamroom
Thanks all. This got me a little way further - and maybe far enough.
I rediscovered the inbuilt favicon system of my site, and could replace the JR favicon that was showing by default.
I also looked at realfavicongenerator and downloaded a package of favicon that I presume is more comprehensive than our inbuilt JR system. The instructions for realfavicongenerator include the statement:
"Extract this package in the root of your web site"
How to do this is unknown to me, and sounds dangerous to do through guesswork. The instructions give an example of yoursitename/favicon.ico as a way of finding the root, but all I found is a visual reproduction of an existing favicon, namely the JR default icon (even though this is no longer displayed by my site). I did not find any way to "extract the package".
The next instruction is to "Insert the following code in the head section of your pages:...etc"
I found a head section in the meta.tpl of my skin template editor. Is that where the code should go? Presumably the site only has only one head section.
Maybe all I really need is what I have been able to set up using the inbuilt JR "Favicon Creator" module, in the collection of "Site" modules.
I only need to know about "extracting a package" inside the "root" if there is a good reason to use the larger favicon set provided by the outside source.
updated by @researchcooperative: 08/19/17 11:39:09PM