Forum Activity for @luis456

02/03/17 06:30:02AM
48 posts

Text formatting or image sinzing on blog page

Design and Skin Customization

Hello All.
Please guide me how can I fix this.
The attached error is being seen in the AudioPro skin.
I either need to re-format the text so that it will be indented with the image or make the image bigger to cover the big space left.
Or the other alternative will be to add a add on it. The way how it is looking now is not so good. On phones looks fine but not if viewing in the pcs.
I think the demo have the same issue.

errorMessage.JPG.jpg errorMessage.JPG.jpg - 50KB

updated by @luis456: 05/06/17 11:53:51AM
01/02/17 05:39:27PM
48 posts

PayPal Module Not working on AudioPro skin

Design and Skin Customization

Hello Could you please help. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
I have the Paypal Module active in the AudioPro skin. I have setup for live transactions and vice verse.
Every time when I click in the buy button an "Page Not found" message is display.
See image below.
FYI. I have foxycart module disable since I want to use the paypal module, but I'm not having any luck.
Thank You
AudioProPaypalerror.png AudioProPaypalerror.png - 216KB

updated by @luis456: 04/10/17 03:07:11AM
03/28/16 06:49:27AM
48 posts

Hiding Menus when items are not present

Design and Skin Customization

Hello .. Michael and thank you for your email!
To illustrate better, see the attached image.
The top picture image displays a profile from an artist that has the latest videos(uploaded, you tube and vimeo), Music(uploaded, I cloud), latest events, blogs and pictures.
The second artist profile does not have much uploaded or embedded yet, but the menu and block section still shows.
All I'm looking to accomplish is that to use a condition if(items present for that profile.. do show it. Other wise hide it)
Again this is for the public view.

Does it makes sense?
foto.jpg foto.jpg - 196KB

updated by @luis456: 03/28/16 06:51:55AM
03/25/16 09:34:19AM
48 posts

Hiding Menus when items are not present

Design and Skin Customization


I created a custom page for the artist profile artist with different sections and menus included on one page.
So far it is working as expected. The problem that I have now is, if the artist does not has an event, audio, video uploaded the menu and block still display with empty items.

Is there a way to auto hide the menu and block if the items are not present or upload by the user?
Similar to the profile menu when modules are not active.

For example if the artist does not have a audio uploaded, I would the menu and block not to appear in the page.
I have tried adding the conditional statement before the menu title and block display, but it hides all including the users that have videos.
I tried to look at the code in the profile_menu.tpl, but I don't see anything that can help me.
updated by @luis456: 07/09/16 12:33:04AM
03/17/16 02:01:34PM
48 posts

How to display Profile Statistics - Public visits

Design and Skin Customization

Thank You that help.
I'm managed to display the hosted audio and profile plays.
How can I do for SoundCloud and Youtube?
Extra help for Downloads will be also great.
I tried this code, but it does not work.
{jrCore_get_count module="jrSoundCloud" name="SoundCloud_file_stream" profile_id=$_profile_id}<br>  
{jrCore_get_count module="jrYouTube" name="YouTube_file_stream" profile_id=$_profile_id}<br> 

updated by @luis456: 03/17/16 02:03:32PM
03/17/16 07:38:13AM
48 posts

How to display Profile Statistics - Public visits

Design and Skin Customization


Could you please help with the code to display the profile statistics on users and artists profiles?

What I'm looking is to display the: Profile vies, profile music streams, profile downloads for the day and all the time.

Is it possible on Jamroom 5?

So far I was only able to show the profile views all the time, but it only shows the profile view for different artist while I'm only logged in as Admin.

When logged in as an Artist, the code does show the profile views, but only this artist.

If a different profile is viewed while logged in as an artist, it will only show his/her profiles views on profile being viewed.

I'm using the below code

  <h2>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="1111" default="Visitas:"}</h2> {$_user.profile_view_count}<br>

Profiles_views.jpg Profiles_views.jpg - 8KB

updated by @luis456: 06/17/16 10:26:08AM
12/17/15 08:07:59PM
48 posts

Profile Tweaks not pointing to the selected page

Jamroom Developers


This is correct - the Skin Profile Index template shows the Timeline.

Thank You for the info Brian. How or where can I change the setting or what file do I need to modify in the Profile Tweaks so that it can point to the profile_index.tpl only with Artists quote.

Thank You
12/16/15 07:13:56AM
48 posts

A more Powerfull Event Module



Paul has opened a ticket on this, so after we research the type of work that would be needed to add this feature in I believe he will be in contact with you.


Thank You Brian I'm really looking for it.
12/16/15 07:09:08AM
48 posts

Profile Tweaks not pointing to the selected page

Jamroom Developers

In the "Selected qoute" for Members the "Default Profile index" is selected for "Time Line" it works fine.

For Artists the "Default Profile Index" is selected "(default) Skin profile index" - but for some reason it still points to "Time Line"
If the default skin profile index is selected, shouldn't it be pointing to "profile_index.tpl". If not could you please how can I achieve this?
I have created a custom profile_index.tpl and I would like to default to that page only for artists. The problem that I have right now is artist and members are pointing to profile_index.tpl but I would like only the Artists to point to this page.

Hello, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Thank You
updated by @luis456: 03/25/16 09:53:38AM