Ning Json
Ning To Jamroom
Hello Brian and company! I struggled between Jamroom and Ning. Sorry to say, but buying all the modules I did along with hosting, and I am sorely disappointed so far. Ning offered a lot more options like a forum that everyone could see and use, chat, common blog, etc. You could attach files to your responses. I'm using this for a songwriter collaboration site, and it's a struggle so far. The newest members list on the front page doesn't work. Neither does the newest audio list--it's blank even though I uploaded songs. Oh, and I can't put my audio uploads in order like in Ning. And talk about slow. Sorry to be such a downer about this, but I really am disappointed. I would have liked to simply and privately express my issues to Brian, but I can't even figure out how to contact him. And I'm wondering, since I haven't bought the support, will this even post when I get done writing it. I guess I'll see. Well it posted. And I can update it. Wish I had a forum like this on my site. Maybe I can, if I can figure out how to do it. I know I haven't given this much of a chance yet, but even my whole three users are already having problems using the system. Argh!
updated by @davej56: 02/02/15 05:20:51PM