Forum Activity for @perrie

12/17/15 10:34:31AM
435 posts

Approving blog posts

Using Jamroom

Not really. When we were on Ning, the blogs belonged to the members, as if they were stand alone blogs and they could moderate them as they saw fit. Here, I am not sure what the purpose of the blogs are, as opposed to the forum, which I moderate.

Right now I have an advice columnist, who wants to review comments before they are posted. She doesn't want a "deleted" show, because it looks awful from an advice columnist. Do you see my issue?
12/17/15 09:13:39AM
435 posts

Approving blog posts

Using Jamroom


I know. What I need is for my members to be able to approve blog posts. Is that possible to do?
12/16/15 07:47:41PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom


I will try to figure out Filezilla

Thanks for the cloning advice. I will do that.

I won't use Amazon anything... will tell you why privately. Maybe someone can recommend a similar service done by another company. I am sure there must be.

Thanks for everything. I will let you know when I figure out how to connect to Filezilla.
12/16/15 07:19:07PM
435 posts

Approving blog posts

Using Jamroom

Is there a way for members to approve blog posts before they are posted?
updated by @perrie: 03/23/16 09:09:27AM
12/16/15 12:10:49PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom


If I make a mistake (which you may or may not remember I did massively), is there a way to recover?
12/15/15 07:49:47PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom

LOL.. Paul should know that I tried, which is why I am concerned about trying it with you Strumelia. I even tried using one that was supposed to be easier.. Cyberduck.

But I am willing to give this a try.
12/14/15 10:48:21PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom

Hi Strumelia!

LOL... I tried to connect using FTP and hence my reluctance whenever I hear about using it, as I was a epic failure at it (odd, since I used to think I was half way decent at tech stuff). I would totally appreciate your help, I am just worried that you won't get frustrated with me. But we could give it the college try, so to speak. Just let me know what works for you and thanks! :)
12/14/15 02:51:09PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom

Thanks Doug! And yes I was talking about the scroll button.

Do I have to go into the CSS or is there a way to do it in the templates?
12/13/15 09:19:47PM
435 posts

moving the "up" button

Using Jamroom

Does anyone know in which templet to find the up button for the forum? Mine is half buried under the chat module and I would like to lift it a bit.

updated by @perrie: 03/17/16 04:30:49AM
12/08/15 10:31:03PM
435 posts

Share this position question

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

I tried your last option, but it didn't work and I think that is because I have a custom discussion templet.