Forum Activity for @nate

03/31/16 10:51:24AM
917 posts

Convert action_data to item

Jamroom Developers

I wanna show media in my timeline. Current I have to query the item. This isn't ideal.

How do i convert the action_data to an item that cant be used with item features like players, comments and likes?

updated by @nate: 07/06/16 10:55:36AM
03/31/16 09:45:59AM
917 posts

TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function

Jamroom Developers

Also, there are no other js errors. I use firebug.
03/31/16 09:43:04AM
917 posts

TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function

Jamroom Developers

I don't wanna disable tips. I'd like to know what I need to do to stop seeing the error. I plan to sell the skin and don't want to spend hours in the forum saying "I don't know why that happens". It happens on every skin I build.

I start every new skin with jrElastic templates.
updated by @nate: 03/31/16 09:44:12AM
03/21/16 11:45:10AM
917 posts

TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function

Jamroom Developers

Whenever I go to this URL

I get TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function and my ACP buttons stop working.

The error points to this line
$('#content > table').qtip({ content: { button: $('<div class="qtip-close">Start</div>'), title: 'Welcome to the ACP!', text: 'Please take a few moments to follow this small introduction tour and get to know how the Admin Control Panel (ACP) works.<br><br>Click on the "Start" button to get started.<br><ul class=\"tour-list\"><li class=\"tour-extra tour-close\"><a onclick=\"jrTips_close_tour(\'jrCore\', 0)\">Close</a></li></ul><div class=\"tour-stop\"><a onclick=\"jrTips_stop_tour()\">Don't show me Tours</a></div>' }, show: { modal: true, solo: 'html', ready: true }, position: { at: 'top center', my: 'top center'  }, hide: { fixed: true, event: 'unfocus' }, events: { hide: function(event, api) { $('.qtip.ui-tooltip').qtip('hide'); $('#mtab').qtip('enable').qtip('show');  } } , style: { tip: false } });

updated by @nate: 07/02/16 02:35:54AM
03/04/16 05:56:59PM
917 posts

TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function

Jamroom Developers

I keep seeing this error every time I start to build a skin and you guys tell me to disable the jrTips module which is actually avoiding the solution.

Quote: TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function

Can someone tell me why I am seeing this in the ACP?
updated by @nate: 06/03/16 03:34:21AM
02/09/16 10:15:01AM
917 posts


Jamroom Developers

That worked. Thanks a lot.
02/08/16 09:12:58PM
917 posts


Jamroom Developers

I'm doing an ajax call to load a list. The list shows fine. But the jrCore_item_list_buttons function is failing.

The function jrCore_item_action_buttons has a test in in it

if (!jrProfile_is_profile_view()) {
        return '';

If I comment this out things work fine. Is there a way I can pass the above test when loading my templates via ajax? I am on the profile when making the ajax call.

updated by @nate: 05/10/16 02:52:23AM
01/22/16 06:02:58PM
917 posts

invalid key name:

Jamroom Developers

I may have resolved this. I renamed my cookie from playlist to myPlayer.
01/21/16 10:05:21AM
917 posts

invalid key name:

Jamroom Developers

Also the player loads fine.
01/21/16 07:32:23AM
917 posts

invalid key name:

Jamroom Developers

When I return to my site after closing the browser I always see this error.

Quote: invalid key name: title - key name must begin with module prefix: playlist_

As soon as I refresh the page it goes away. It clearly has something to do with the session cookie.

I have a persistent jPlayer in the header but it's completely loaded via cookies. There is no call to any db tables. It does not use the inline JS your JR players use nor the core system to load the playlist object. It's all JS and Cookies until the user interacts. So I am doubting this is the cause of the error.
updated by @nate: 04/23/16 05:53:36AM