TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function
Jamroom Developers
Whenever I go to this URL
I get TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a function and my ACP buttons stop working.
The error points to this line
$('#content > table').qtip({ content: { button: $('<div class="qtip-close">Start</div>'), title: 'Welcome to the ACP!', text: 'Please take a few moments to follow this small introduction tour and get to know how the Admin Control Panel (ACP) works.<br><br>Click on the "Start" button to get started.<br><ul class=\"tour-list\"><li class=\"tour-extra tour-close\"><a onclick=\"jrTips_close_tour(\'jrCore\', 0)\">Close</a></li></ul><div class=\"tour-stop\"><a onclick=\"jrTips_stop_tour()\">Don't show me Tours</a></div>' }, show: { modal: true, solo: 'html', ready: true }, position: { at: 'top center', my: 'top center' }, hide: { fixed: true, event: 'unfocus' }, events: { hide: function(event, api) { $('.qtip.ui-tooltip').qtip('hide'); $('
updated by @nate: 07/02/16 02:35:54AM