Forum Activity for @nate

05/20/16 09:23:53AM
917 posts

Marketplace Screenshots ordering


One that definitely needs fixing is the market place screenshot order. It's totally unpredictable and there's no means of control. Sometimes they list in the order I want but far more likely it doesn't. I can't upload one at a time, so it's a crap shoot every time. It may seem unimportant, but presentation is everything.

It usually takes me 4 or 5 attempts to get it they way I want. We should be able to drag the order.
updated by @nate: 08/27/16 02:34:15AM
05/16/16 06:05:26PM
917 posts

New Stuff Forum


I'll try it.
05/16/16 05:04:41PM
917 posts

New Stuff Forum


Yeah I meant a place for discussion. I'll try my forum and see if it works.
05/14/16 02:15:48PM
917 posts

New Stuff Forum


What I think is missing is that place where users go to see and read about what's new for them to check out. I know you have the announcements forum, but us 3rd party folks have no place to promote our products and receive feedback and suggestions. 3rd party products can be vital. So maybe an announcement page or maybe just a new products forum, I think would make more sticky, like it use to be.

I remember when there were dozens online at the same time. I would come see an announcement that was released just 2 hours prior and the responses would be already 3 pages long. That sense of community didn't move over with jamroom 5, but I think it attainable again.

The product is better than ever and your pricing is as insane as your support.

updated by @nate: 08/23/16 01:07:37AM
05/10/16 11:31:27AM
917 posts


This is Maestro 4. You do not have a license for it. I Continue to support the older version, I am just not selling it anymore.
05/04/16 12:49:12PM
917 posts

Form Validation

Jamroom Developers

I tried a sign up widget but that had other issues. I finally came up with this as an alternate.

{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrOneAll')}
          <script src="{$_conf.jrOneAll_domain}/socialize/library.js?v=1.8.4" type="text/javascript"></script>
{jrCore_array name='widget_data' key='type' value="login"}
{jrCore_array name='widget' key='widget_data' value=$widget_data}
05/04/16 10:19:06AM
917 posts

Form Validation

Jamroom Developers

I'm guessing this isn't gonna work.
05/04/16 09:48:16AM
917 posts

Form Validation

Jamroom Developers

OK there is a problem, form_view and form_fields are not being created in the form_session table.
05/03/16 03:02:30PM
917 posts

Form Validation

Jamroom Developers

I'm pretty sure this will work. Thanks again. Releasing my 3rd skin tomorrow. Planning on 9 more.

Gotta run for a bit.
05/03/16 02:53:40PM
917 posts

Form Validation

Jamroom Developers

And yes I updated my code and I get the same result.

Quote: {"notices":[{"type":"error","text":"Invalid Form Validation received - please refresh and try again."
}] }