Forum Activity for @nate
Elastic 2 Skin and Media Cards
Design and Skin Customization
No. Elastic is an open source, free skin. It comes with the basics.
tabbed widget has a strange line through it?
Design and Skin Customization
The CSS has been added to Audio Pro for the next release.
tabbed widget has a strange line through it?
Design and Skin Customization
Actually this is a better fix.
.connectedSortable .widget-item .item:first-child {
border-top: medium none;
margin-top: 12px;
updated by @nate: 01/20/17 10:05:25AM
tabbed widget has a strange line through it?
Design and Skin Customization
No that would eliminate the page. It's built with sitebuilder.
tabbed widget has a strange line through it?
Design and Skin Customization
That line is the top border to the "item" class for each row in the list.
.sb-container-tabs {
margin-bottom: -12px;
padding: 32px 12px 0;
The margin is the problem. The thing is, that's in sitebuilder CSS and that margin could be needed in other places.
.col12 #sb-widget-col-0 .sb-container-tabs {
margin-bottom: 0;
That will fix it but be on the lookout for tab problems in other SB widgets.
updated by @nate: 01/20/17 09:09:16AM
where to find control for tablet menu interface?
Using Jamroom
Check your header.tpl. Look for
{if jrCore_is_mobile_device() || jrCore_is_tablet_device()}.