Forum Activity for @centricbeats

06/15/15 02:08:24PM
0 posts

Facebook music player

Jamroom Developers

Wow. its not.
Thanks for the info.
06/15/15 01:21:43PM
0 posts

songs wont show up in music charts

Jamroom Developers

Here is the music charts page

Here is the music page where the songs show up.

basically the music page is the only place songs will show up
06/14/15 08:21:11PM
0 posts

Facebook music player

Jamroom Developers

the widget just shows a white background on facebook.
updated by @centricbeats: 07/20/15 05:26:35PM
06/14/15 08:14:33PM
0 posts

songs wont show up in music charts

Jamroom Developers

After i switched to jamrooms hosting songs wont show up in music charts.
Any suggestions?
updated by @centricbeats: 07/23/15 02:36:56PM
03/02/15 12:00:45AM
0 posts

A fixed audio player

Jamroom Developers

Is there a way to have a audio player that is fixed inside the header or footer like in itunes or reverbnation.
updated by @centricbeats: 05/01/15 02:40:09PM
03/01/15 03:40:35PM
0 posts

Voice tags

Jamroom Developers

could a voice tag for audio files be applied to certain quotas
updated by @centricbeats: 05/05/15 06:56:25PM
02/08/15 01:15:16AM
0 posts

Does modules come with skins

Off Topic

In the skins marketplace it reads: Deep module integration including Audio, Video, Galleries, Events and more.

Does that mean when i buy the skin these modules come with the skin.
updated by @centricbeats: 03/18/15 09:37:39PM
01/20/15 04:13:22AM
0 posts

will modules and functions work in any theme

Using Jamroom

If i purchase the Media Pro 5 (Dark) skin will the audio and video player function in the Lucid skin?
updated by @centricbeats: 02/22/15 03:09:50AM