PRIVATE Group Issue - Make The Description On The Group List Page Longer?
Using Jamroom
On my list of groups at I have a couple of PRIVATE groups and I would like to be able to add more content there after the description than is allowed. I would also like to be able to add an actual link in the description.
It would MUCH better if page visitors were able to learn more about specific PRIVATE groups by clicking on a link that took them to a detailed page describing exactly what that PRIVATE group is about (and giving them incentive to want to join . . . especially where a paid membership is required to have access). Right now, when logged-in member (who is not a member of the PRIVATE group) clicks on a PRIVATE group, it just takes them to a log-in page that tells them that they have to member to view it.
Or maybe be able to click a link/button on the log-in page for the visitor to learn more about the group.
updated by @andyf: 06/15/15 09:57:35AM