Forum Activity for @zachary-moonshine

Zachary Moonshine
10/02/19 03:15:05PM
826 posts

Can jamroom work without mailgun?

Using Jamroom

Yes i see that now, but it only shows that part about money if you click the question mark. At first sight it just looks like something needed to make sure signups are valid. If i ever clicked that, it must have been a long time ago when i was first setting jamroom up but if that is the case why didnt i ever see a large charge for validations?
Capture.JPG Capture.JPG - 30KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 10/02/19 03:15:28PM
Zachary Moonshine
10/02/19 03:14:05AM
826 posts

Advanced Login Redirect Options


Yes paul that is correct
Zachary Moonshine
10/02/19 03:04:27AM
826 posts

Can jamroom work without mailgun?

Using Jamroom

Not very prompt at all actually they just now responded to me and they are trying to say the bill is that high because of the validations?
Zachary Moonshine
10/01/19 03:12:10PM
826 posts

Can jamroom work without mailgun?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian and yes you are correct i look back at the history in my mailgun account and i can see see some months i was actually below the 10k limit and they charged me a few dollars which also makes no sense. And some months they didnt charge anything. it has always been so low of a bill i never really bothered to look into it and check out the details but it is clear something is not right. I wish they would respond to my emails now, i wasnt expecting an extra bill that size this week and this could cause me some serious issues
Zachary Moonshine
10/01/19 03:05:33PM
826 posts

Can jamroom work without mailgun?

Using Jamroom

Yeah well i did send newsletters and i know the amount of emails sent is correct but the problem is that it does not mathematically make sense with the scale they have set for the "legacy" option i am on. I have previously sent almost the same amount of email in one month before and only got charged a few dollars.
Zachary Moonshine
10/01/19 02:17:45PM
826 posts

Can jamroom work without mailgun?

Using Jamroom

mailgun just sent me a bill for 62 dollars but i thought we get 10k emails free each month and the total sent out for this month shows 20k? Is this normal?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 01/02/20 05:43:09PM
Zachary Moonshine
09/29/19 09:00:01AM
826 posts

Advanced Login Redirect Options


Please can you guys create an option for login redirection, so that a user can be directed back to the original source page they came in on. I had this option on my Social Engine site and it was very useful for gathering comments on blogs and other items when shared on Facebook, Twitter etc. For example, if i share a blog about whatever from my site onto Facebook or anywhere else. I get people clicking the link that are not logged in to my site or not even members which is great but, the first thing they wanna do is comment on it. The problem with Jamroom is that when they log in they are redirected to a landing page and are not redirected back to the blog or whatever item they clicked in the first place that they wanted to comment on. I know and i am sure you know that you can just click the back button a few times after logging in to get to that original page but no one is gonna do that. I feel like an option like this would drastically increase user engagement.
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 01/31/20 05:13:02AM
Zachary Moonshine
09/29/19 08:33:46AM
826 posts

Is It Possible To Modify Subscriptions?

Using Jamroom

If i create a new subscription using the variable option and move all existing subscriptions to it and remove the other subscriptions will it cause an error or anything or will the payments that are coming in stay the same but just give them the variable option after?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 12/30/19 09:29:40PM
Zachary Moonshine
09/04/19 03:08:34PM
826 posts

Importing Emails and creating profiles question?

Using Jamroom

Yeah i went ahead and pulled the trigger on it and it worked just fine. Great job on this plugin, i love it btw
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 09/04/19 03:08:46PM
Zachary Moonshine
09/02/19 08:28:55AM
826 posts

Importing Emails and creating profiles question?

Using Jamroom

If i import emails and some are duplicates of already existing emails linked to profiles, it gives me the option to move them to the quota used for importing the emails, but if i leave that not selected, will the duplicates that have a different quota than the one being used for the import be left alone or would the already existing profiles linked to that email have 2 profiles?
Capture.PNG Capture.PNG - 32KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 12/04/19 05:17:33PM