Forum Activity for @zachary-moonshine

Zachary Moonshine
04/27/20 11:01:12AM
831 posts

Many youtube videos not showing up in search results?

Using Jamroom

If i search google i find this and you can see it is embedded within the blog. But if you go here and search for that video by name it does not show up. And it wont let me upload it, since it says it already exists?
Zachary Moonshine
04/27/20 10:58:51AM
831 posts

Many youtube videos not showing up in search results?

Using Jamroom

No thats the interview i did in 2020 with them. If i search for the 2017 one i find the blog with the youtube embedded in it. And when i first saw that i was curious to see how many views it had on my site and not on youtube so i went to search youtube via my jamroom site. It returned with no results for that video. So i thought maybe for some reason it was not added along with the rest of my youtube channel. So i tried to upload it manually, then it gave me the message that it is already uploaded?
Zachary Moonshine
04/27/20 09:14:39AM
831 posts

Many youtube videos not showing up in search results?

Using Jamroom

No i upload the YouTube videos to the Youtube module (video collection) first and then i add them to blog posts later. I know what you are talking about though i have noticed if you add a video to a blog post directly without adding it to your Youtube page first it will not be in your sites direct Youtube collection. But i think this might have something to do with the titles or tags used in some videos. It could be google doing something too. Since this has happened i have been able to find many others in random google searches. One of the main reasons i have added so many videos to my site is that i hoped it would boost my SEO and in some cases it seems to work. But if its missing some of them than something is going wrong somewhere.
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 04/27/20 09:14:59AM
Zachary Moonshine
04/27/20 09:08:28AM
831 posts

How do you put up a slideshow on celebrity skin?

Design and Skin Customization

Ok the "list of images" that basically turns into a slide show is it possible to make this a more robust feature with options like hot linking the images and having different ways of controlling how the images changes, speed, fade etc. I was looking at a program called "WOW Slider" and it seems like it does everything that i am talking about here but i tried to add it to the site and i am not sure if i did it wrong but it did not show up correctly on the page. But i would rather just have something built in from JR since this is what i am paying for already. You have the slideshow already it is just missing a few steps. It cant be that difficult to add these extra options on it, can it?
Zachary Moonshine
04/23/20 03:42:23PM
831 posts

How do you put up a slideshow on celebrity skin?

Design and Skin Customization

Does anyone know of any code that i could use to hotlink these images in my slide show?
Zachary Moonshine
04/23/20 03:41:38PM
831 posts

How do you put up a slideshow on celebrity skin?

Design and Skin Customization

ok never mind i see it now. Its not the gallery module its another one called "uploaded images"