Forum Activity for @zachary-moonshine

Zachary Moonshine
07/03/17 02:44:03PM
827 posts

Major problem with users and quotas, everything is scrambled?

Using Jamroom

yes that is what i did i ran down the whole list of every module and enabled them all pretty much
Zachary Moonshine
07/03/17 02:43:30PM
827 posts

Major problem with users and quotas, everything is scrambled?

Using Jamroom

that free quota only shows 4 things in his menu it should be packed full like this which is a test profile i set up with a diff email than my master admin its a completely standard user and somehow this one is set up right while all the rest are not ?
test.PNG.png test.PNG.png - 141KB
Zachary Moonshine
07/03/17 02:41:03PM
827 posts

Major problem with users and quotas, everything is scrambled?

Using Jamroom

i did i was also running in developer mode but the problem was already there before i started making changes only reason i was making changes was to try to help them be able to use those functions
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 07/03/17 02:41:12PM
Zachary Moonshine
07/03/17 02:30:15PM
827 posts

Major problem with users and quotas, everything is scrambled?

Using Jamroom

ok so for the past while some of my staff have complained that they could not post blogs and events, today i logged in as standard user and they are correct the functions to do many things are diff on everyones pages or profiles so i thought i would check how the quotas are set up and i went in and turned on almost everything for all quotas and still no change, one member said he changed his name and then he could see the blog button? no idea but here are a few screen shots of diff quotas that should have much more than what they see?
free quota.PNG.png free quota.PNG.png - 48KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 10/02/17 08:29:15PM
Zachary Moonshine
06/26/17 04:39:37PM
827 posts

Follow me skin, forum strange text hard to read?

Design and Skin Customization

so check this out in my forums using follow me skin and beta core my forum looks like this notice the names next to the pictures, how can i fix this or is it a glitch anyone else seeing this?
Capture.PNG.png Capture.PNG.png - 72KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 10/02/17 01:11:41AM
Zachary Moonshine
06/26/17 04:36:15PM
827 posts

Forum Replies Not Working?

Using Jamroom

thanks that works!
Zachary Moonshine
06/26/17 01:54:30AM
827 posts

Forum Replies Not Working?

Using Jamroom

re opening this its happening again now using the follow me skin beta core ran all updates. when i respond to any forum posts the screen reloads and i do not see my reply. if i hit refresh cache it shows my replies ? i have not done any major modifications to the skins code just very basic trying to keep things simple and still having this issue?
Zachary Moonshine
06/10/17 10:38:12AM
827 posts

@mentions are not working ?

Using Jamroom

here is what i did i clicked the mention button on this persons profile page, typed in to the box a message and then look at timeline and it is blank
Capture1.PNG.png Capture1.PNG.png - 350KB