Forum Activity for @zachary-moonshine

Zachary Moonshine
03/10/22 06:21:22AM
831 posts

How To Mix Skins And get The Best Of Each One?

Design and Skin Customization

Is there a simple way to mix 2 skins or themes from each? I really like the colors and fonts and layout of the Ninja skin but i want to keep my blog with the same layout and feel that it is has in Celebrity. Primarily the way the thumbnail image for the blog is nice and big at the top of the article in item detail view and the side panel shows similar articles. Also, the index view of celebrity blog. is this possible to do inside a ninja skin?
item detail blog.PNG item detail blog.PNG - 1.9MB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 06/08/22 02:17:10PM
Zachary Moonshine
03/10/22 06:12:18AM
831 posts

Why does the text sometimes stretch over the border?

Design and Skin Customization

Kind of like how it works if you don't paste as plain text? Sometimes that does work. I usually go back and forth depending on what is sent to me to post.
Zachary Moonshine
03/10/22 05:43:47AM
831 posts

Why does the text sometimes stretch over the border?

Design and Skin Customization

Zachary Moonshine:
I posted the same text on Facebook and Instagram and those sites kept it contained within the box, so I'm not sure what it is about the jr site that lets it do this. it's not isolated to only this blog article, it happens in other modules as well. I often modify the text myself after seeing it and change it to a shortened hotlink

I know our software is pretty dope, but when you compare us to a multi billion dollar website, it might be a tad unfair.

Why you see the problem is because it doesn't happen very often, although we see it occasionally.. It's really just a simple CSS fix. It is included in some of our skins.

Fair enough. I also never noticed anything like this on competitor sites Ning or Social Engine. It is not a dealbreaker for me since I am primarily the only one posting on my site and I can usually find a workaround to fix things like this with some editing. If I was using this site as it is intended to be used and allowing my community to post it would be a problem though. I figured you guys would want to know in case it is causing issues for others.
Zachary Moonshine
03/09/22 07:13:21AM
831 posts

Why does the text sometimes stretch over the border?

Design and Skin Customization

I posted the same text on Facebook and Instagram and those sites kept it contained within the box, so I'm not sure what it is about the jr site that lets it do this. it's not isolated to only this blog article, it happens in other modules as well. I often modify the text myself after seeing it and change it to a shortened hotlink
Zachary Moonshine
03/08/22 06:55:10AM
831 posts

Schedule Sending Newsletters At A Specific Date And Time

Using Jamroom

I really like that you guys recently added a date section to schedule newsletters but is it possible to add a time also to this? I would like to be able to schedule a newsletter to be sent out on a specific date at 5am est for example? Is this possible or do I have to keep setting an alarm to remind myself to go do it manually lmao
Capture.PNG Capture.PNG - 24KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 06/07/22 07:42:54PM
Zachary Moonshine
03/08/22 06:49:50AM
831 posts

Why does the text sometimes stretch over the border?

Design and Skin Customization

I just changed it to a hotlink and shortened the visible text. Just wasn't sure if the skin was supposed to automatically make the contents responsive inside the box. All the other links are resized automatically except that one.
Zachary Moonshine
03/08/22 06:24:35AM
831 posts

Why does the text sometimes stretch over the border?

Design and Skin Customization

When posting text links inside a bordered module like the blog, sometimes it stretches over the border? Why is this? I even copied and posted the text as plain text but still it is stretching over?
Capture.PNG Capture.PNG - 663KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 06/08/22 02:48:01PM
Zachary Moonshine
08/14/21 03:07:46PM
831 posts

How do you track and remove users?

Using Jamroom

I would like to be able to remove old users that maybe signed up and never did anything, never opened a newsletter, etc. Is there any way of tracking what users do and being able to remove them in bulk based on their actions? Or can you change the quota of say a mass of users at the same time based on activity?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 11/17/21 03:25:21AM
Zachary Moonshine
07/09/20 08:36:17PM
831 posts

Newsletter Filters Question

Using Jamroom

Can you or someone show me how to that?