Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
02/13/15 08:34:47AM
744 posts

hiding the profile location and questions on shops and mnain forums

Ning To Jamroom

Strumelia -

I created an account with a profile just for this purpose.

When I am not using it is in a quota I created called hidden and the privacy is set to profile owner so it doesn't show up anywhere.

I keep another browser (I work in Firefox and test things in Safari, usually) open logged in with the test profile.

Keeping in mind that things will also look different to someone who is not logged in I also test that at the same time.
updated by @claygordon: 02/13/15 08:37:36AM
Clay Gordon
02/11/15 05:59:25PM
744 posts

Changing email language strings

Installation and Configuration

Ah. okay.

I will do what I can in the message bodies as Michael suggested.
Clay Gordon
02/11/15 05:15:42PM
744 posts

Feature Request - Past Events

Ning To Jamroom

If you take a look here:

You will see that there are four events scheduled for the future. The fifth event is a past event -- scheduled for Feb 7 -- and it's kind of weird to see the dates start over.

One Thought:

How about putting a graphic over the top of past events that says Expired or Past or something like that?

Another Thought:

What about putting future events in a tab (defaults to this tab) that says Future Events and past events in a tab that says Past Events?
updated by @claygordon: 03/15/15 05:09:05AM
Clay Gordon
02/11/15 10:22:12AM
744 posts

Changing email language strings

Installation and Configuration


I don't need to support different email addresses, just different senders:

"TCL Updates" <>
"TCL Support" <>

updated by @claygordon: 02/11/15 10:23:07AM
Clay Gordon
02/11/15 10:19:13AM
744 posts

are these hack attacks and any way to filter them

Installation and Configuration

Brian -

Not really seriously suggesting it, I know the potential implications. Just a late-night thought that didn't get filtered properly before clicking on post.

Still, fun to think about after all the crazy stuff we have to put up with at the receiving end.
Clay Gordon
02/10/15 04:42:13PM
744 posts

Changing email language strings

Installation and Configuration

Right now I get two sets of email from my site from the same from.

I get Jamroom system messages (module updates, etc) from " updates ".

I get site messages (new user notifications, etc) from " updates ".

I would like to be able to change the froms to differentiate them.

Only one needs to change, so it might be easiest for the JR system messages to come "from" JR Updates.

Is this in a language string I have access to? And do the both use the same string ID?

On a related note, site messages have different subject start strings.

One of them is [MySiteName] New Topic / New Comment

Another is MySiteName (string)

Another is (string) on MySiteName!

To make it easy to write filters and to spot emails in my inbox, I would really like all site messages to start with [MySiteName]

[MySiteName] - New Private Note
[MySiteName] - New Member Signup
[MySiteName] - New Topic:
[MySiteName] - New Comment:

My .03 (adjusted for inflation
:: Clay
updated by @claygordon: 04/03/15 03:28:43PM
Clay Gordon
02/10/15 04:25:35PM
744 posts

are these hack attacks and any way to filter them

Installation and Configuration

Did you hear about China doing a DDOS on a security research blog? Rather than just bouncing requests, they redirected the requests to a small number of sites.

I am wondering if, with mod_rewrite or some Apache something, you could redirect the requests to /wp any subdirectory back to the requesting host? The more they ping you the more you ping them back?

If so - I'd be happy to add that to mine as they are not going to go away and as they might be phishing bots they are certainly going to ignore your robots.txt file.
Clay Gordon
02/10/15 03:27:21PM
744 posts

Some funky things happening on cloned skins when styling

Design and Skin Customization


I had a similar problem early on where I was making changes using the ACP Styles Editor where I changed something and the results where not what I expected at all and to get it fixed required an update. So, I tend to want to make changes in the CSS when I can. I have downloaded a local copy that I edit and FTP up the changes.

It's been a long time since I did any serious CSS and even then it was not so serious.
Clay Gordon
02/10/15 03:20:36PM
744 posts

Images on profile tabs - is it possible?

Design and Skin Customization


I was looking at the profile menu looks with the images on it and it's very cool. Without very little effort you could reverse it as well so the images appeared on the mouseover.

I noticed in another screenshot you'd added cascading menus ... something else I want to try. I'd like to put Vimeo and YouTube under Videos - the same way they are in the top nav to save space and be consistent.
Clay Gordon
02/10/15 03:14:30PM
744 posts

Some funky things happening on cloned skins when styling

Design and Skin Customization

John Bizley:
John -off topic for a sec, but- I like that dark leather background

Thanks Strumelia, ((snipped ))That background was a Ning background image that I copied out from there.

John -

Are you replacing one of the stock skin images in the ACP or modifying the template code (and where) to add the image?
