Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
04/06/16 12:26:50PM
744 posts

Custom "spreadsheet" module to display data

Jamroom Developers

Sounds to me that rather than creating an Aparna module, you should just make a jamroom website. The profiles would each be chocolate companies. You would have galleries, blogs, videos, store products for each company profile. Everything you've listed above could be done and more. You would just need to customize your skin to display what you want.

I already have a JR site with about 10k members. I want to include the functionality within the existing community rather than create an entirely different site. Part of this is the amount of time in my day and I already know from experience that splitting this content off into another site is problematic for many reasons - only one of which is the requirement for a separate login.

Part of the UI is the ability as I was conceiving of it was to be able to display the data in a columnar format, like the profile browser, but sortable. I could create a new module and the form would collect all the data, and tie it into the existing Search functionality. I would lose the sortable tabular display (and scoped search and export) but I get all of the rest of the functionality "free."

Something to consider. Thanks. I still want to do the tabular display but will think about this approach if I can't end up doing that.

:: Clay
Clay Gordon
04/06/16 11:03:42AM
744 posts

Custom "spreadsheet" module to display data

Jamroom Developers

I want to crowd-source the creation of a database of chocolate companies.

I have a bunch of lists that I can upload to seed the database, and I am looking to enable my members to add to it and to suggest updates.

I know I can use Aparna to create a new database table for a module and then use the form designer to create the "Create" and "Update" forms, but I not a good enough programmer to be able to write the code to display and manipulate the contents.

The page would be visible to visitors (not logged in).
The table needs to be searchable (search scoped to this one table).
The table needs to be sortable.
Not all columns would be displayed.
Hidden content would be shown by expanding and collapsing the DOM.
Some companies will have multiple locations.
Only members who are logged in would be allowed to enter a new company.
All new entries would be flagged for review before being visible.
Anyone (visitor or member) would be able to suggest an update to an entry. The update suggestions are only available to admins.
Content would be downloadable only to members of specific quotas.
It would be nice to be able to interface to a mapping API to display the company on a map.
It would be nice to link this to Rating, Like-It, ShareThis, and Comments modules.
It would be nice if people could upload photos.
It would be nice if we could create a separate table of products each company makes.


Has anyone already done something like this? I do have a modest budget to pay someone to adapt what they have already done the basics or I would be happy to partner with someone to do this and then rev-share selling it through the Marketplace.


updated by @claygordon: 07/06/16 12:20:45AM
Clay Gordon
04/01/16 08:36:45AM
744 posts

Enhancing the Output of Start/End Date in Events

Using Jamroom

Many of the events on my site take place over the course of several days and the default setup does not support the idea of displaying both a start and end date.

I also wanted the ability to display the starting time, but only if the event was not marked as an all-day event.

My event creation form enables me to list both a start and an end date ( item.event_end_date ) as well as to indicate whether or not the event lasts all day or starts at a particular time. YMMV.

The corresponding templates need to have the code necessary to display all of this information.

Following is the code that generates the dates display in the attached. It goes in two templates:

jrEvent item_list.tpl
jrEvent item_detail.tpl

I have not included line numbers because I have modified my templates in other ways and I can't guarantee they'd be the same in yours. However it should just take a few moments to paste it in. I don't remember if the default event form as the end date field, so you may need to use the Form Designer to add it in. I used "event_end_date" for the field name - if you use something else then the code below will need to be modified to accommodate this.

Please note that the event listing entry form itself has no ability to check if the end date for an event occurs after the start date (the default is to set it for the same date). This has to be verified manually.

1) Check to see if the end date is greater than the start date.
2) If it is, display both dates.
3) If the end date is not greater than the start date, check to see if "all day" is selected.
4) If it is, then display just the start date.
5) Otherwise display the start date and time.

{if $item.event_end_date > $item.event_date}
     {$item.event_date|jrCore_date_format:"%A %B %e"}  –  {$item.event_end_date|jrCore_date_format:"%A %B %e %Y"}
{elseif $item.event_allday == "on"}
     {$item.event_date|jrCore_date_format:"%A %B %e %Y"}
     {$item.event_date|jrCore_date_format:"%A %B %e %Y, %l:%M %p"}

Thanks to Paul and Michael for helping me work this out. The support from the Jamroom team is nothing short of top-notch.
Composite_EventListings.jpg Composite_EventListings.jpg - 663KB

updated by @claygordon: 07/15/16 06:52:09PM
Clay Gordon
01/09/16 05:38:19AM
744 posts

Create RSS feed for forum/category & member profile

Using Jamroom

I know it's easy to create an RSS feed for a specific module (e.g., Gallery):

What I want to do is

I just tried and I know that that does not work (no data error).

I was also looking to see if it worked for a profile ( and I get a different error (module not active) but I don't see an RSS from profile config option anywhere.

My eventual target is IFTTT. Using IFTTT to cross post forum category/profile posts to my FB page and Twitter accounts.
updated by @claygordon: 04/09/16 08:57:40PM
Clay Gordon
01/09/16 05:28:22AM
744 posts

Forum Auto-Lock by category?

Using Jamroom

Paul -

Great. Please add "auto-lock Forum posts on a category basis" as a feature request - or do I need to?

You are right about the global Forums ban. If a member is going to be abusive they are going to be abusive everywhere. But the kind of abuse I am talking about might be limited to my community, or not be generally applicable.

My Classifieds Forum has a specific use: posts about buying and selling equipment and there are some pretty specific rules about posting to it. It's about banning members who ignore the posting rules in that one forum category. For the most part they are well behaved on the rest of the site.
Clay Gordon
01/08/16 09:56:31AM
744 posts

Forum Auto-Lock by category?

Using Jamroom

Is it possible to set the Forums auto-lock by category? I have one specific forum category (Classifieds) that I would like to set to auto-lock without locking the other categories.

Similarly, ban members from posting in specific categories, not just Forums globally.
updated by @claygordon: 04/08/16 10:26:02PM
Clay Gordon
09/14/15 08:18:07AM
744 posts

Insert images into Forum Category ' Category Note ' field


@michael -

I figured that the img src would work as simple HTML formatting like bolding works. It is probably only limited to what I allow in the global HTML settings in the Admin profile quota. It does mean, however, that I need to have a place to put the image files, uploading them separately. That's why the HTML editor is interesting to me - WYSIWYG image uploading and text formatting.
updated by @claygordon: 09/14/15 08:18:32AM
Clay Gordon
09/12/15 12:25:56PM
744 posts

Insert images into Forum Category ' Category Note ' field


I want to offer up sponsorships of Forum categories and it would nice to be able to put logos at the top of the listing page as well as be able to format the the text that gets displayed.

I see that the field accepts some formatting now (bold tags), but I haven't tried adding an img src= tag. It would be nice just to be able to edit and style the field using the editor just as if it were a forum or blog post.

updated by @claygordon: 10/21/15 07:35:12PM
Clay Gordon
09/12/15 12:21:02PM
744 posts

Subscribe to a Forum?

Ning To Jamroom


So if there was a button on each of the forum categories to watch it. when a user clicks that does that mean that:
* each of the threads in that category all automatically get set to 'watching'

or does it just mean
* when clicked on any new threads get set to 'watching'

or does it mean
* when clicked on and set to watching any new thread that gets started in that category sends out a notification to people watching, but the thread itself is not watched. (meaning that they get 1 notification of the new thread, but not a notification of any replies to that thread.)

On first thought the idea is that clicking on a "watch this forum category button" means that any future update - new threads and comments - trigger an email off to whoever is watching the forum category. However, that could result in a lot of emails that I will have to pay for and members potentially get a lot of emails they don't care about.

A better implementation would have the "watch this category" trigger off an email each time a new thread has been created (your last suggestion) and then the member can choose to watch the thread manually if it's interesting to them.

:: Clay

PS - and I will post the formatting feature request to the suggestions forum.
Clay Gordon
09/11/15 01:12:44PM
744 posts

Subscribe to a Forum?

Ning To Jamroom

While we're at it ... can we make the ' Category Note ' field full text with the ability to insert an image? I see that it accepts HTML now. I suppose I could add an img src= tag? I am offering up sponsorships of Forum categories and it would nice to be able to put logos at the top of the page.