UX observation - keep tag cloud context
Ning To Jamroom
Brian -
I got to the tag cloud by clicking on a tag on the home page "Da FAQs".
That takes me to a Tag Cloud page where the "All" tab is selected and the contents are displayed. At the moment, there is just one entry.
I click on the Forum tab (there is one forum post where Da Faqs is a tag) and I see the one entry. If Da Faqs were added to other entries of other object types (e.g., Blog) then there would be a Blog tab.
When I click on the "Tag Cloud" tab, the "All" and any other tabs disappear. WHY? There's no need to remove context here. In order to get back to the previous page I either need to go back one page in the browser or re-select the tag.
What I would expect when I click on the "Tag Cloud" tab is that I would see the entire tag cloud ... with the original All and any other category tabs still there.
Then, if I clicked on any tag in the tag cloud then I would see all of the items tagged with that tag organized by type. Or I could simply click on the All tab again to go back to the original view.
This would make a LOT more sense if there were an "All" in the header above the tag cloud. At first blush it might seem redundant but once someone figured it out it would be a powerful shortcut.