Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:21:56PM
744 posts

Feature Request - Drag and Drop rearrangement of Forum categories

Ning To Jamroom

And elsewhere, like in the form designer.

This using the up arrow is slow.

If not, why not a down arrow? Moving a category down to places now requires moving the two categories below it up.

Not anything urgent. For when there is nothing else to do. lol lol lol
updated by @claygordon: 03/21/15 09:09:41PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:19:19PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

It would be nice to have threading in the site forum which I think you are saying is not supported.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:17:59PM
744 posts

Profile Page - change sort order of comments

Ning To Jamroom

I went to

Sort order WAS set to Newest Comment First.

However, just for fun, I turned OFF Enable Threading (as this was one of the capabilities added in the new User Comments module update - and it affects sort order), saved changes, reloaded my profile page and now comments are being displayed Newest First.

I did not check to see if changing the sort order to Oldest first and re-enabling threading would show the comments in the reverse order, but I kinda think it might.

Seems like something might have been introduced in the threading code that affects global sort order.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:10:36PM
744 posts

Renamed Gallery on a member Profile - now have two galleries

Ning To Jamroom

I sent instructions to this member on how to organize their imported photos and did the work for some of the steps.

The default gallery is Vera Hofman, the member's name. I clicked on the gear icon, changed the name (to unsorted images), saved changes ... and now there are two albums. They appear to contain the same images, though the sort order is different.
- 219KB

updated by @claygordon: 02/23/15 05:06:21PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 11:39:07AM
744 posts

Profile Page - change sort order of comments

Ning To Jamroom

I've tried three different templates to change the sort order. In which template file is this controlled?

Right now, it's displaying OLDEST to NEWEST, I want it to show NEWEST first. I know how to make the changes, just want to know where it is.

- 209KB

updated by @claygordon: 02/26/15 07:38:12AM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 11:29:17AM
744 posts

comment back (tip)

Ning To Jamroom

I have now both a Comment back and Reply. Need to think about re-phrasing to reduce confusion.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 10:32:28AM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

Paul -

1) As I asked in another post - what does this do to comments that have already been added to the site-level forum? There are only a couple ... apart from the fact that I have merged and deleted categories and added a category of my own.

2) I have already run the delete media tool ... can I run it again and it will move everything? I know when I re-ran it after my browser crashed in the middle of a run that it said the equivalent of "nothing left to delete."
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 10:28:38AM
744 posts

New here, hello everyone!

Ning To Jamroom

Welcome @jamesh -

I made the decision to move to JR about a month ago and I do not regret it for a moment. It's taken a bit to get used to a very different way of working compared with the Ning Features UI. They were good at what they did, but restricted and narrow. Things are not quite as simple here, but the level of control I have is beyond API-level access at Ning, which costs what? $100/mo?

There are a couple of us here now who are not on the JR team who've been working through the same issues and challenges you're going to be facing. So, don't hesitate to ask for help. Response times are very good, and I've found they often want to work you through the "why" something is done a particular way so you understand where JR is coming from as a platform.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 10:22:35AM
744 posts

Changes to Forum in Ning Import ... custom Site Forum group

Ning To Jamroom

After reading the changelog before updating, I am thinking about the implications here as I have created some new Forum categories with posts inside them, and there are some new comments that have been posted since going live.

Right now, everything is imported into my membername:


The idea would be to change that to, e.g.,


If I do the reimport of just the forums does this delete everything that's been added over the past couple of days or can I preserve those? And would those updates get moved the new URL as well?
updated by @claygordon: 03/06/15 06:01:16PM
Clay Gordon
01/21/15 09:33:54PM
744 posts

comment back (tip)

Ning To Jamroom

THANKS! I will do this soon. Great feature.