Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/22/15 01:02:23PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

Okay. I know it's getting late. But if this is an issue that can only be fixed doing a re-import ...
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:57:08PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

That's me. Wanting features. Always on the bleeding edge. Speaking of updating the import module. Did you find the issue with the missing discussions from Victor K I sent you by email? Maybe a re-import will restore them?
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:55:13PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

I was thinking exactly the same thing while replying to @jamesh in another thread.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:53:29PM
744 posts

New here, hello everyone!

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks @claygordon I'm looking forward to it and will definitely take you up on your offer! I'm excited about the possibilities.

What's really impressive is that I've identified a couple of things that the JR team decided were bugs over the course of the last four days, and several of them have already been fixed and I have uploaded module updates via the Marketplace/System Updates method today that fixed those issues.

Found some more today that affected the way content was presented that I could not override in a template. One was in a piece of code that might not have been dusted off and looked at in years. I expect to see fixes to those in the next 72 hours at worst.

It's one of the things I am liking most about working in JR - that willingness to listen and responsiveness. The only places where I am unhappy is the quality of the data Ning exports. Not much you can do if the output is corrupted. GIGO. But Paul and Brian and the team have done remarkable things to overcome some of the most outrageous offenses found in the JSON files.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:45:02PM
744 posts

Feature Request - Drag and Drop rearrangement of Forum categories

Ning To Jamroom

Yup. Towers of Hanoi if I was playing in a browser and all the logic was server-side and the round trip hop was a couple of thousands of milliseconds in each direction.

No hurry on this, of course, but if I decide to reimport my forums then I have a bunch of re-ordering to do in short order.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:42:07PM
744 posts

Renamed Gallery on a member Profile - now have two galleries

Ning To Jamroom

It occurred to me, as I was pondering why there might be an image gallery limit and that's because you were focused on music, not images, and images put up by bands, etc, would probably be thematically related: here are the photos and videos from last night's gig. Those would probably be relatively small numbers.

I have one member with over 1000 images in one gallery, 1072 to be precise:
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:38:09PM
744 posts

Feature Request - Drag and Drop rearrangement of Forum categories

Ning To Jamroom

Yes, but only if you do it in the right order. You can move the bottom one up first and then getting it in the right order requires an extra click. The difference would greater the more levels you want to move.

Must. Be. Disciplined.

Drag and drop would still be faster.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:33:56PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

I am either going to do this tonight or never. There's only two or three things from members but I have done a lot of work in the Forums area before going live. It means copying every page I created and losing any comments on those pages.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 12:28:54PM
744 posts

Renamed Gallery on a member Profile - now have two galleries

Ning To Jamroom

But why was a second gallery created in the first place? I renamed one and ended up with two.

And I think I know why. Somewhere ... there is a hard-coded limit of 500 on the number of images in a gallery.

This user has 548 images. 500 went into the renamed gallery and 48 are in the Vera Hofman gallery. There is an odd number of images in the unsorted gallery, which is what you'd expect when I moved one into another gallery. I am not going to count rows to verify that there are 499 images left in the renamed gallery, but 499 modulo 8 is 3, and that's the number of images in the bottom row.