Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:24:56PM
744 posts

Changing a value that occurs hundreds of times in a datastore ??

Ning To Jamroom

When I create my account when I installed JR the first time, I did not understand the interaction between accounts and profiles.

I imported comments and then changed both my Account Name and Profile Name.

In looking at the comment datastore during the discussion on editing comments I noticed that there are hundreds (if not more) comment records that still have my old Account Name, in three fields that I can see:

comment_item_title: ChocLifeRoot
comment_item_url: chocliferoot
comment_profile_url: chocliferoot

Does this matter?

If it does, I need to change them. The only way I can think that this can be done is using mySQL unless there is a tool in the mySQL admin tool that allows global search and replace within a field.
- 215KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/19/15 09:34:57AM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:14:11PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

Perrie -

When you do the Forum import (what Ning called Forums) and DO NOT specify a name, all of the Forum entries - are imported under the name of the owner - user_id:1 - probably you. This preserves any category structure you added to your Ning forums.

If you specify a name, ALL of the Forum entries will be put into a Group with that name and you will lose the category associations. Perhaps most importantly, right now, there is no Search function within Group discussions - and that seals it for me as of this writing.

I don't know what it would take to add Search at the top level across all groups, and within groups. That's a question for Team JR.
updated by @claygordon: 01/22/15 04:14:26PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:07:56PM
744 posts

Editing member comments

Ning To Jamroom

I get the word Delete without an ID -- in Safari. I can press and hold and then drag and I can see the ID and then release, making sure cursor focus is outside the delete icon.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:01:59PM
744 posts

Editing member comments

Ning To Jamroom


Yes, I read the help. But ...

How do I know I want to edit _item_id:25?

Usually I have some text in a comment. If I want to search that I need to find a relatively unique fragment and bracket it within %%.

I don't see user_name as a value in my list, but I can search on it. I can also view member accounts, get the user ID and search for that.

All doable from within the datastore browser, but, not the most straightforward way to do it. I don't have an unruly community so it's not something I do lightly or often and I did add words to the banned items list.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:50:57PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom


Then go with NOT putting them into a Group and using the Site Forum option (don't enter a name on import). That's the option for you.

Rather than nesting (threading) you can quote, which is often better, actually.

-- edited to add --

I am thinking about using the Group option without categories and recommend that members use tags so that you can find things no matter where they are. I am going to create a page that has some recommended tags on it. It's not a controlled vocabulary and it will be slow to propagate, in the long run it addresses all the issues I have, especially when you can see the entire tag cloud and see how and where a tag is used.
updated by @claygordon: 01/22/15 03:53:41PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:46:48PM
744 posts

Editing member comments

Ning To Jamroom

This can always be done by admin in the ACP Comment Datastore Browser -

Paul -

It can be done but it's a real kludge and I wouldn't want to rely on it as finding a specific post out of tens of thousands could take a long time and require several searches in a stepwise refinement approach. And don't forget to use the help to make it easy/ier to find something specific.

Just a note on that %D get's converted to some non-Ascii character so you can't search on that.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:36:04PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

The discussions within Groups do not have categories that I can see. One of the things about the Ning "Forum" concept I rely on is grouping discussions by category. Is that wrong?

I don't really know if my members really use this ... need to think ... hard ... mind melting
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:13:05PM
744 posts

Member mismatch - There but missing, sometimes

Ning To Jamroom

On the home page of my site in the Newest Members section I have a member listed VASILEIOS VONIKAKIS.

When I click on the name I visit a real profile page - but there is nothing there, she has entered no content.

However, the profile is not showing up when I click on the "All" link or when I search all members.

The member has not claimed their account (still in quota 1) and the privacy setting is set to global


updated by @claygordon: 03/17/15 06:02:07AM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:02:44PM
744 posts

Creating a test template

Ning To Jamroom

I am looking for the name of the group ... in jrGroup somewhere? I used the category name on the home page so it may be similar?
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 03:00:51PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

brain exploding....

Mine too. I will have to look and see if I have a copy of the original file locally to compare against ... no wait! There is a compare tool!