Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/23/15 08:48:13AM
744 posts

Editing member comments

Ning To Jamroom

@Strumelia -

I can see how you might think so, and it would be a real pain if you had to do this multiple times per day. I've installed the ACP menu module that displays across the top of the screen, so grabbing an ID and going to the User Comments Tools menu is easy. Enter the Datastore browser, type in the ID and click modify.

I noticed one thing, which is when I take the extra steps, is that it forces me to take a pause and think just a little bit more about what I want to do. I find I am less likely to do something that I will regret when I have this little extra pause.
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 08:37:12AM
744 posts

Creating a test template

Ning To Jamroom

I tried this yesterday and instead of popping up a window the options were being written into the page. I guess I was inside a foreach loop (?) and so I had to crash the browser to exit.
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 07:50:16AM
744 posts

New Ning To Jamroom Support Forum

Ning To Jamroom

@denisdnt -

I am on a Mac and I have the latest version of Filezilla installed (

Once FileZilla is launched, go to the FILE menu and select Site Manager.
Create a "New Site"
Enter the information you got from your hosting service provider.

Host is the name of the ftp server.
You probably do not have to enter the port number unless it's not the default FTP port.
Select the protocol. Probably FTP but could be SFTP if you asked for that in your account setup.
Ask to use Encryption if it's available.
- (It is at Arvixe, but because I am on a shared server when I log in I get a warning about it which I dismiss.)
Select the logon type. If you select Normal the password you enter will be used. If you select Ask you will be asked for it each time.
- Anonymous is probably not an option.
Enter your username
Enter your password
Click on Okay.

You will now have saved a site configuration and it will appear in the panel at the left (in this case, Test).
When you want to log in to your FTP server, click on the name of the account to connect to and click on Connect.

If all of the information you provide is correct then you will see the back and forth between Filezilla and the server in the top left panel and the server directory listing will appear. If there's something wrong, the dialog in the top panel will let you know what it is.
- 187KB

updated by @claygordon: 01/23/15 07:50:58AM
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 07:32:11AM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

@Michael and @Paul (who I know is taking a long weekend but is still checking emails):

Is the category structure in the Ning "Forums" that is preserved when imported into the Site Forum (nothing in the import box) preserved when imported as a group (something entered into the import box)?

This is one of the key questions in the above thread that has not been answered, yet.
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 07:30:20AM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

Yes, searching within a subset of results is also very cool and, as I mentioned, adding search fields. This is something I am going to explore a lot and write an extensive FAQ for my members.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:47:12PM
744 posts

Latest Ning Import module released.

Ning To Jamroom

Perrie -

It turns out that Site Search (in the top nav) searches within Group discussions and other areas of the site and it is really, really powerful because it organizes the results by the type of item found. It's not the category structure, but it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the Ning search and at the same time, supports serendipitous discovery.

I searched for FAQ and it found it in Forum Topics and Tagged Items (i have a tag w/ FAQ in it).

It is WAY WAY WAY cool.

Just click here for an example:

--- edited to add ---

The search feature alone is worth so much. I am going to be writing a special FAQ to let my members know about it. I can see using it for many, many, things, especially because I can add my own database fields to search.
updated by @claygordon: 01/22/15 04:51:21PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:38:19PM
744 posts

comment back (tip)

Ning To Jamroom

It messes up on my system.

I think you have my login credentials if you want to test it there for yourself. Attached is a screenshot.
ScreenShot-CommentSort.jpg ScreenShot-CommentSort.jpg - 268KB

updated by @claygordon: 01/22/15 04:38:50PM
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:32:50PM
744 posts

Changing a value that occurs hundreds of times in a datastore ??

Ning To Jamroom

It helps a lot if I can ignore them.

So I will and I am closing this one out.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:32:01PM
744 posts

Member mismatch - There but missing, sometimes

Ning To Jamroom

If I go here: and search for "vasil" I get zero results.

That is not a complete list of members, just those who have posted something -- it's not "All" members, which is the text on the link in the Profiles box on the home page.
Clay Gordon
01/22/15 04:27:41PM
744 posts

Editing member comments

Ning To Jamroom

I use Firefox a lot but it doesn't display GMail very well, IMO. As I spend so much time in mail, I want the UI to look a specific way, and Chrome and Safari do it for me.

Now that I know the tip I say that creating a UI to edit comments is not high on my list.