Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/24/15 11:01:51AM
744 posts

Selecting "Newest Posts" tab from "All" on Home Page

Ning To Jamroom


Just tested this and when I click on All from the home page it still goes to the Forum page with the Forums tab selected. I want the Newest Posts tab selected. I cleared caches.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 08:28:07AM
744 posts

Selecting "Newest Posts" tab from "All" on Home Page

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

Yep, the final URL is exactly the same.

If I go to it directly via clicking on a URL or entering it into browser location field, I go to my profile.

However, if I click on Forums in the top nav and then click on the Newest Posts tab, I stay on the site Forums page - I don't go to my profile Forums page.

I want to stay on the site Forums page. The screenshot attached.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 08:13:51AM
744 posts

Selecting "Newest Posts" tab from "All" on Home Page

Ning To Jamroom


I know this works but it's not taking me where I want. I don't want to go to Newest Posts on my profile page as the context is wrong.

I want to go to the place where I click "All" on the home page, and then manually select the "Newest Posts" tab as can be seen in the attached.

I am collapsing the extra click into the code. I know this is possible - you do it all the time in the ACP - I just don't know how to do it.

One place is in ACP > Users where you present the option of going to the Account tab or the Profile tab ... okay, there's the clue. Looking at the desktop headers menu ...

<li>{jrCore_module_url module="jrProfile" assign="purl"}
{jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$purl}/admin/tools">users</a>
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$purl}/quota_browser">quota browser</a></li>

I am guessing I have to build on that approach, just not entirely clear how to do it.

-- edited to add photo --
Newest_Posts_-_Clay_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-01-24_11.14.18.png Newest_Posts_-_Clay_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-01-24_11.14.18.png - 170KB

updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 08:15:43AM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 07:44:58AM
744 posts

Selecting "Newest Posts" tab from "All" on Home Page

Ning To Jamroom

I want the "ALL" on the Latest Forum Posts block on my home page to go to the Newest Posts tab, not the "All Forums" tab.

My first thought was to modify the URL by explicitly adding the URL I get when clicking on the Newest Posts tab, as can be seen below (in the href).

<h2>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="20" default="Latest"} {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="47" default="Forum"} {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="48" default="Posts"}{if strlen($_conf.nsTCLSkin1_forum_profile) > 0}   <span class="normal"><a href="{$_conf.nsTCLSkin1_forum_profile}/new_posts">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="30" default="All"}</a></span>{/if}</h2>

This takes me to my profile, which I don't want. I want to go to the main forums page with the Newest Post tab selected.

updated by @claygordon: 03/03/15 12:22:05PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 07:29:42AM
744 posts

Have to move off Arvixe NOW -- Linode? Digital Ocean? Other?

Jamroom Hosting

Performance check went from about 310 to about 450. Still not great (as baseline is 1000) but the perception of responsiveness is pretty high; my Ning site appeared to run more slowly at times. I may run the check a couple of more times at different times of the day to see if there is some other site on this server that is slowing things down.

I am kinda jealous of SE's report of getting an 1800 on his dedicated server. But, at the moment, the community is not generating enough direct revenue to justify a 5x or greater increase in cost for a managed solution.
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 09:01:38PM
744 posts

jrcomment wont verify after update

Ning To Jamroom

Work into the conversation questions about the sucky mySQL performance, mention that another Jamroom user just upgraded to business class because of sucky mySQL performance and is now happy, so inquire about that ... and see if they will soften their stance on things.

It can't hurt.
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 08:58:52PM
744 posts

Skins search generating 404 errors

Ning To Jamroom

Using Search in the sidebar to search when the Modules tab is selected works like a charm. However, using Search when the Skins tab is selected generates 404 errors. The form of the URL returned is:

The search above the list of templates, e.g., works just fine.
updated by @claygordon: 02/24/15 07:28:25AM
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 08:06:29PM
744 posts

jrcomment wont verify after update

Ning To Jamroom

Where would I find the number of comments I have?

Go to the DataStore browser in the User Comments module:

Look at the ID number of the top-most comment. That's how many comments you have.

-- edited to add --

Until inline editing of user comments becomes available, this is the place where you would be editing user comments. Get the ID from the comment (by hovering over the comment's trash can) and search for it on this page.
updated by @claygordon: 01/23/15 08:09:27PM
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 08:03:18PM
744 posts

Creating a test template

Ning To Jamroom


{debug output="javascript"}

to my test template generates

There is a syntax error in your template - please fix and try again

upon saving
Clay Gordon
01/23/15 07:58:38PM
744 posts

Is this possible for viewing images

Ning To Jamroom

@john-bizley, nice suggestion. I like it.
@michael -

Just to make sure I understand, the lightbox would be limited to the images on the current site-wide Galleries page? I can see waiting for the lightbox for 24 images but not hundreds or more. I would need to exit out of the lightbox to visit the member's page to do things like rate and like and comment on the image.

I think this is something that would be very helpful to my members but I don't think it's a critical must have -- a very, very nice to have for sure.

John - another way to do this, which would require not all that much alteration of one of the Galleries templates, would be to alter the href of target on the picture only to open in a new window. Not necessarily the most elegant way to do things but you would not lose your state in the site-wide galleries page and have access to all the commenting functions on the member's page.
updated by @claygordon: 01/23/15 07:59:22PM