Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/24/15 02:57:32PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

Postfix fix at Arvixe? I can always ask.

Other question - what happens if I crash out? Has the process been stopped because of the gateway timeout or is the process running and I am just not getting the updates?
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 02:48:59PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

I have Mailgun set up.

The email utility looks like it's sending out 10 messages four seconds or so. That's a long time until I get to 9000+

Also, encountered a Gateway timeout while sending. Only sent the first 750 according to the progress panel.

I am going to have to crash out of this. What will happen?
updated by @claygordon: 02/24/15 06:49:25PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 02:45:03PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

The page in question is something that I think all Ningsters are going to want. I am not an expert on these matters and I trust the JRTeam's ability to do it right (and do it faster) than I do mine. lol

The next question is what capabilities that page has.

I think the ability to change sizes of the images - as on a gallery page - would be very cool (and should be added to the Followers page). Default sort order might be by last log in with those who'd logged in most recently at the front of the list.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 02:30:29PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Makes no sense to display everyone there. I was thinking of having a button, like the number of images I had uploaded:


Click on the button and see everyone you're following.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 02:15:53PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

Why wouldn't I just do it inside the existing stats.tpl that's already called by sidebar.tpl?

Wherever module that's in. I couldn't find it.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 01:52:21PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

In the top nav makes some sense as that's the place where the Private Notes feature shows up. It also sounds like a pretty modular piece of code that someone could easily copy and paste into the existing menu code.

OTOH, if it's a really concise piece of code I'd prefer to see it in the Stats section of a member's profile because it's a kind of measure of participation in the community and it would be fun to see the number of people I am following in that context.

My .03, adjusted for inflation.

-- edited to add --

It may go without saying but I will say it anyway, but the people I am following should only be visible to me if this goes in the Stats section. This makes it a little more complicated than if it's in the menu nav which does that test already.
updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 01:54:09PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 12:06:31PM
744 posts

Selecting "Newest Posts" tab from "All" on Home Page

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

But that's not where I wanted it - but I like it there.

I took a look at what you did in the menu and then back again at what I did in the Latest Forums Post block and said, "What the heck, let's reset both the template and database caches (again) just to see if that made a difference." And it did. Works the way I want it to now.


-- edited to fix typos for clarity --

Another lesson on why it's important to switch into developer mode even when you think you are doing trivial stuff.
updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 12:23:16PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 11:20:29AM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

This came from a member and I think it's a feature that any Ningster will want.

He wants to know who he is following, not just who is following him.

I don't see it anywhere in the UI or in the documentation.

I would simplify the UI/UX by removing the "Followers" menu item from the profile's menu and make Followers and Following items in the Stats area.

If that's not an (easy) option, then I would add to the Followers page a Following group and change the visual display to what the Galleries page looked like if there were only two galleries - one named Followers and the other named Following. I would even think of adding the lightbox feature.

On related notes, but not strictly relevant to this post, not sure why there is a "delete" button permanently visible. This could be a mouse-over trash can icon and appear in the upper-right corner to make it consistent with behavior in comments, etc. It would also be very helpful if there was the same controller as in image galleries that allowed me to change the size of the images by selecting the number of images in a row, from 4-8.

updated by @claygordon: 02/27/15 06:20:10AM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 11:09:53AM
744 posts

Feature Request: Two New Stats Needed on Profile Page

Ning To Jamroom

Right now, one of the stats is the number of blogs I have started and how many photos I have uploaded.

I want two more Stats that I think every Ningster is going to want:

1) A count of the number of Group discussions I have started and/or participated in and when clicking on that number seeing them listed in newest first order.

2) A count of the number of Forum discussion I have started and/or participated in and when clicking on that number seeing them listed in newest order first.

BTW - these are useful diagnostic tools for Ningsters to work with Paul to unearth data migration problems. I have one member on Ning in 471 discussions and only 1 of them is visible on my JR community.
updated by @claygordon: 03/03/15 02:23:10AM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 11:04:16AM
744 posts

jrcomment wont verify after update

Ning To Jamroom

@Strumelia -

I just complained that it was real slow and that "I'd heard" that they artificially limited the performance on the personal account with some sort of monitoring code. A little birdie told me that - might have been Brian - but I did not mention that to Arvixe support, just that "I'd heard."