Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/24/15 07:26:52PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

I know that Paul is back on Monday, I will take these up with him on his return.

(And Paul, if you are reading these - ignore them until Monday.) lol
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 06:10:21PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Yes, it was explained that the JR follow method also helps prevent possible hacking somehow...can't remember the details though.

It's less about hacking than spamming. If we (community moderators/site admins) make it impossible for members to send Private Notes to people who don't follow them then members are protected from that form of spam. They can still spam in comments but those are usually easily outed and I can take care of those as the moderator.

I've also had members ask me if I could make their profiles private as they were showing up in Google search results and they were worried about potential stalkers. This could not be done in Ning. However, in JR, here is a Global Privacy setting in each Profile which enables members to make their profile visible only to themselves and to their followers. I don't know if this keeps their profile from being indexed by search engines but it does mean that the profile content can't easily be viewed unless the profile owner accepts a follow (there's an "approve followers" option in the account tab) from someone. I have also limited the location data to a country (edited sidebar.tpl) whereas in Ning city and state were displayed which could be used to help locate someone. So that issue is at least addressed to some extent.

As community moderators I think we assume a lot of responsibility in making the community a safe place for our members. At least it's important to MY members. And I am happy that JR has some good tools to help me manage these important details for my community.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 05:31:21PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

I know that a small handful of members have already done it - not wanting to wait until I send out the official email.

It just occurred to me that there is another problem, which is that two members replied to me asking me to delete their accounts. That's not the problem. What is the problem is that the email that is being sent does not appear to pay attention to the fact that I have the strong password module installed - and I wonder if logging in with those passwords will work.

Whee! Something else to test. Tonight. I guess sleep really is overrated.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 05:03:12PM
744 posts

jrcomment wont verify after update

Ning To Jamroom

@derrickhand300 -

I have a "free" three-month window on Arvixe because of an account credit and a free month. I am intensely interested to know how much you are paying monthly to get 3x performance over your previous server. Also, I am completely NOT into actively managing my server, so it'd help me to know how much of the heavy lifting Linode did - and I need to study up on the virtualadmin tools.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 04:57:40PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

Because Ning doesn't care about bounces, I am going to send emails via Ning telling people to use "Forgot Login" to reset their passwords. Hopefully this will help me reduce the number of people I need to send an email from the Ning Import utility and I can start right now, not wait until Mailgun support gets back to me.

Clay Gordon
01/24/15 04:42:26PM
744 posts

New Feature Request - Who am I Following in addition to Followers

Ning To Jamroom

Perrie -

Following in JR is set up more like following on Twitter. You can follow someone, but they don't have to follow you.

Facebook has a hybrid system. You can be friends with someone but not follow them, which means that you won't see their stuff in your timeline but you can do other stuff that friends can do (like invite them to play Candy Crush Saga).

On JR, when you follow someone they get a note that you are following them. They can go to your profile and follow you back.

Or not.

The way I have set up my system, members can only send private notes to people who follow them. This reduces private spam and you can choose to stop receiving it by un-following someone who's sending you private messages you do not like.

At least that's the way I understand it to work.
updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 04:44:52PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 03:45:46PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

If I send them NOT via Mailgun at least I will get the bounces, but that might make Arvixe mad.

Rock. (me) Hard place.
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 03:41:46PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

I just entered a ticket with Mailgun.

Is there anyway to keep the Ning email invite function to send to some addresses in future? If I turn off all Notifications in a profile?

Fortunately, most of the members on the mailfun bounce list have added little or no content so it's not such a big deal to delete their profiles and accounts. However there is a slight chance that some will have some content I want to keep. The alternative is to assign a bogus email to a catchall account, e.g.,, bounce002, bounce003 so at least they'll be accepted and we can worry about the member claiming the account if/when they want to.
updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 03:42:25PM
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 03:23:40PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

I am going to have to manually delete the bounced accounts to keep the Ning import send email tool from sending email - or any other mail - to those accounts in the future. Right?

Some are "mailbox full" which means they are valid accounts still.

Others are "no such email". Some just seem stupid -- 550 Host Unknown for
Clay Gordon
01/24/15 03:05:25PM
744 posts

Sending invite emails via Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

It crashed - there was no queue to see.

Doesn't matter though, as the bounce rate (out of date email addresses) was too high and Mailgun temporarily suspended my account. lol not.

Catch-22. Wants me to clean up my database of old emails (what was Ning do with all the bounces ???!) but I can't do that unless I know which ones are bouncing!
updated by @claygordon: 01/24/15 03:12:36PM