Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
01/29/15 06:58:08AM
744 posts

Feature Request: Two New Stats Needed on Profile Page

Ning To Jamroom

With Michael's help I modified the Stats block inside profile_sidebar.tpl to add the "all" to the end of the jrGallery module call inside the foreach to modify the URL to show all images, not duplicate the functionality of the Galleries menu item.

{foreach $_stats as $title => $_stat}
{jrCore_module_url module=$_stat.module assign="murl"}
<div class="stat_entry_box"{if $_stat.module == "jrGallery"}
     onclick="window.location='{$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}/all'"><span class="stat_entry_title">{$title}:</span> <span class="stat_entry_count">{$_stat.count|default:0}</span></a>
     onclick="window.location='{$jamroom_url}/{$profile_url}/{$murl}'"><span class="stat_entry_title">{$title}:</span> <span class="stat_entry_count">{$_stat.count|default:0}</span></a>

Inside the if statement inside the div "stat_entry_box" I can test e.g., {if $_stat.module == "jrForum"}, and get the number of posts/comments there and format them using the same structure as the handler?

I can use the same for jrGroupDiscuss?
Clay Gordon
01/29/15 06:42:12AM
744 posts

Quoting text and Editing comments in forum posts

Ning To Jamroom

Michael -

Maybe, but it has shown up in the comments of more than one member and it's the same character. But I will pay more attention going forward to when it happens to see if I can find a pattern.

Any idea on why I am not being returned the page the comment I am editing is on?
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 06:20:07PM
744 posts

Changing search pagination

Design and Skin Customization

Paul -

Yeah. I edited one of my comments. It was a latency thing. I did the cache reset but it wasn't until I also cleared the browser cache that it started working.

Thanks for checking in on this.

:: Clay
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 06:17:21PM
744 posts

Adding fields to Group Discussion listings

Design and Skin Customization

Paul -

I tried to get debug to work but the output gets displayed inline in the page, not in a pop-up window. I think I was working with Michael on this.

Yeah, I guessed that $item.forum_xxx would not be available in the Forums module. I was guessing it was $item.discuss_description. I went ahead with that thought and got it to work. If I was more ambitious I would add the member photo but this can be a photo-heavy page so I did not want to make it heavier.

--- edited to add ---

The first time I added a {debug} I wasn't thinking and did it inside a {foreach}. Ouch. Painful.
updated by @claygordon: 01/28/15 06:18:25PM
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 06:13:46PM
744 posts

Quoting text and Editing comments in forum posts

Ning To Jamroom

When I Quote a comment in my site forum discussions, I am getting semi-random Â's inserted in the text. They are not visible in the original text, but they appear when quoting. By semi-random, they appear to be inserted at the end of sentences but not consistently. They have to be edited out or they will appear in my response when I save my comment.

On a related but separate note, when I edit a comment I am returned to page 1 of the discussion, even if I am editing a comment on page 2 of the discussion. This is consistent behavior. What I would expect is to be returned to the page I was editing, preferably with the comment window visible.

updated by @claygordon: 03/13/15 02:07:11AM
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 06:06:48PM
744 posts

Tag Cloud items for Profiles?

Ning To Jamroom

@SE -

Could you do me a favor and use the Solver markers? Like "Completed" or "Solved?" this would help the rest of us know the status of your quests for answers.

Thanks in advance,
:: Clay
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 05:49:40PM
744 posts

blogs lost all formatting

Ning To Jamroom

@SE -

I notice that there is an inconsistency in formatting in my blogs and posts as well. Not sure exactly why or where. Might be a Ning export thing that the parser is having a problem with.
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 05:47:17PM
744 posts

Missing Forum Discussions in Search Results

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

Probably not started that many forum topics - mostly a responder.

Okay then, if I want this to be POSTS not TOPICS I think I understand how to change that.
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:56:26AM
744 posts

Missing Forum Discussions in Search Results

Ning To Jamroom

This member, Brad, has over 440 posts and comments in the Discussion Forum - but only the first result is displayed (despite pagination now set to 10). And there is no "Browse These Results (###)" shown.
Home_TheChocolateLife-SearchResultsDetail3.png Home_TheChocolateLife-SearchResultsDetail3.png - 122KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/13/15 11:37:37AM
Clay Gordon
01/28/15 09:42:45AM
744 posts

Changing search pagination

Design and Skin Customization

I don't know if this is related, but now the first result in Forum Topics is missing its title - here and on the next page.

I ran an integrity check on the db - repair tables - and that did not fix the problem. I did not accidentally delete the title (Bug Reports).
Home_TheChocolateLife-SearchResultsDetail2.png Home_TheChocolateLife-SearchResultsDetail2.png - 379KB

updated by @claygordon: 01/28/15 09:45:05AM