Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:55:22AM
744 posts

It's Alive !!!

Ning To Jamroom

John -

Thanks for these great tips. At the moment I am having other issues with items not being displayed properly and I don't want to start editing templates until I get those fixed. Apparently I found a very subtle bug in one of the jrComment modules that can't be fixed in the skin.

But - once I get these issues ironed out I will certainly take a look at implementing these suggestions. And, yeah, I will probably go back to the default of scrolling lists in all the content blocks and the pagebreak. I turned them off because I didn't like the overall scroll behavior of the page when the cursor enters one of the blocks and it starts scrolling, not thinking about the other problems it might cause.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:45:13AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

But why are they not displayed when I search on a member name?
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:28:33AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

I have sent an email off to the member who created the blog post asking her if she deleted it.

On a related note, while trying to find out what's going on ... does site-wide search include blogs? It didn't group discussions until I added the discuss_description field to the search global config. The member (landen-z) has created 30+ blogs but they do not show up in the search results:
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:21:30AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

There is an entry in the timeline datastore browser (id 532)

action_item_id: 609
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:14:29AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

New blog post shows up in the Activity timeline.

Clicking on the link to the blog post in activity timeline:

Takes me to:

And there is no indication that the blog exists on that page.

The blog is NOT listed in the list of recent blog posts on the home page.

There is no blog with an ID of 609 in the datastore. How is that possible?

What's going on? These things appeared to be working properly on Sunday -- but stopped working on Monday.

I am completely confused about why
updated by @claygordon: 03/27/15 10:29:59PM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 06:08:00AM
744 posts

Home page content block not updating, bad URLs in Activity feed

Ning To Jamroom

In the template editor.

That said, the timestamps looking at the files in the FTP client don't show changes from Jan 12! This is because changes to the skins are stored in the db, right?
Clay Gordon
02/02/15 01:46:57PM
744 posts

Home page content block not updating, bad URLs in Activity feed

Ning To Jamroom

This is the line that selects what to display (in index.tpl):

{jrCore_list module="jrForum" search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" 

I don't see anything restricting things to just me.
Clay Gordon
02/02/15 01:36:19PM
744 posts

Home page content block not updating, bad URLs in Activity feed

Ning To Jamroom

If something got updated, I did not do it.

These changes are in index.tpl? It's impossible to get a timestamp as updating any template file on a page updates the timestamps on all of them. Or at least it does in my system. I made footer.tpl inactive, saved changes, now all of the modified template files have the same modification timestamp.
Clay Gordon
02/02/15 01:28:04PM
744 posts

Home page content block not updating, bad URLs in Activity feed

Ning To Jamroom

On a related note, and I apologize for doubling up -

The Latest Forum Posts content block on the home page is now only showing posts I created.

It's not showing ones I add comments to and it's not showing posts created or updated by other people.

This was working properly yesterday. I know it was.
Clay Gordon
02/02/15 01:24:58PM
744 posts

Home page content block not updating, bad URLs in Activity feed

Ning To Jamroom

Brian -

--- edited to add ---

Okay gotcha. I was writing the below when the above came in.

Not a 100% fix in the Activity timeline on the home page. This URL is still bad: -- 404

When I swap out my name it expands to:

and the page displays properly.

There are two posts from Greg Gould that are bad, and going back, one from Priscilla that is also bad, can't see a pattern in the skips. Some but not all of the David Menkes ones appear to be fixed.
updated by @claygordon: 02/02/15 01:26:18PM