Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
02/03/15 04:00:27PM
744 posts

Build Selected Pages Only in Site Builder?

Ning To Jamroom

Q1) Possible? Or do I have to build the entire site with it?

Q2) If answer to Q1 is yes, can I build a page (say, the home page) in a sandbox site and copy the code for the page into my current working site?
updated by @claygordon: 03/07/15 04:03:40PM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 03:53:18PM
744 posts

Creating a sandbox copy of current site - without images - best way

Ning To Jamroom

Paul -

This creates profiles but does not create forums, blogs, etc?

I would need to go to random profiles and enter content manually?
updated by @claygordon: 02/03/15 03:53:57PM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 11:51:56AM
744 posts

Creating a sandbox copy of current site - without images - best way

Ning To Jamroom


I hate to ask for an update to the Ning Import utility, but how about a global config option to import only the first "N" records? (0 is all records.)

I could do all the testing I need, importing only, say, 250 records of each type. I could upload the entire images JSON files but only the first 260 images from the media folder.

Seems like a very useful capability to me and doesn't seem like it should be too difficult to implement.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 11:36:20AM
744 posts

tinyMCE Editor (for editor embedded for site builder)

Installation and Configuration

@jonasmuc -

One of the great strengths of JR is member quotas. One way to think of them is as the interface to a very fine-grained access control list (ACL). You can decide, on a quota-by-quota basis, what features and functionality you want to add to a quota.

That said, there are some combinations of configurations that result in unintended conflicts. This is not uncommon when it comes to ACLs. But finding the combination is not always straightforward. I have found that sometimes there is an interaction between a quota config and some of the global skin configurations. And if you've made changes in templates -- well those can override settings you make in the ACP.

I really like the control that quotas get me, but I've made some simple mistakes that hid necessary functionality from members, resulting in unnecessary extra work for me.

But in the end, I think the results are more than worth the effort.
updated by @claygordon: 02/03/15 11:37:42AM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 11:21:16AM
744 posts

visitor - /crossdomain.xml in users online log

Installation and Configuration

I will investigate. Thanks.

Closing this one down.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 11:20:27AM
744 posts

Confusing Page Titles

Installation and Configuration

Brian -

I am not getting frustrated - progress is being made. No progress == frustration.

Part of the challenge is the modularity which leads to complexity for someone who's not proficient as a coder and who isn't diving deep into the code every day. My issues are related to navigating that complexity.

a) is there some combination of configurations that I don't understand how they work so when I create those combinations I am the source of the problem.

b) what is legitimately a bug or UX issue on your part.

As someone who's spent a lot of years providing customer support I try very hard to give you as much information as a I can to help you figure things out. One thing that happens as a result of my doing this is that a solutions occur to me and I am able to fix the problem.

Mis-configuration is an issue. When thinking about where the names for page titles came from I regularized most of the URLs to end in "s". However I forgot the actual URL was set in the skin global config.

I some respects I am your worst kind of user - I know some stuff, but not enough. My numbered list in my OP was to show the inconsistency, not to suggest an answer to the problem, which I would guess is non-trivial.

1) Yes, search results come from many modules. But the title of search results pages should be " Search Results ". Home is just wrong.

2) This is very straightforward, but it's not consistent.

3) Reusing the same string in multiple contexts is always an implementation issue that someone (me!) is going to have a problem with in the future. I know it's there to make translations possible. But I've had to go in and hard code some names into the template files because changing a word in a language file changed the word in other places, too.

This is a real issue (for me) in the CSS. The same class gets used in unexpected ways and changing a property in one place shows changes in other places in unexpected ways. For example, in Forums all the links are underlined. However, links in other places (in the Latest Forum Posts) inherit the color but not the text-decoration property. Arrrrggghghghghghghhhh. As I said in another post there is a reason I don't do this for a living.

4) This is very straightforward, but, again, it's not consistent. The URL is not used as the page title everywhere.

5) This makes sense once it's explained, it's just that it's the only URL that's formed this way so it stood out, but just because because I was looking at the ways page titles were generated. Note the the first "note" in .../note/notes/ is from the URL in the module info, but the page title is a language string. So it's consistent at one level and not at another.

None of this is wrong or bad -- it reflects the evolution of a complex product developed over the course of a decade or more. It's just that it makes it harder, for some people (me!), to troubleshoot problems.

It would make the most sense (to me) to move the page title into the module language file and put it right above the menu name. That way it would be unambiguous. And easy to find.

:: Clay
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 10:48:36AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

No. Okay. I need to really push on members to upload images or they will not show up.

This includes the activity timeline too, right?
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 10:46:15AM
744 posts

Home Page Anomalies: Latest Forum Posts AND Newest Members not updating

Ning To Jamroom

Makes sense. One reason I started up test accounts. I keep a test account in another browser entirely.

Closing this one down.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 10:45:01AM
744 posts

More weirdness - missing blog post

Ning To Jamroom

What's happening is the the search on

does not return what's found in the results of the search within the modules.

So, I have to go to the profile and click around to find stuff.

Related to searching, but off-topic: I notice the search for renee is also missing a member whose name is ReneeJR - any way to make this a substring match %renee%?