Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
02/04/15 07:40:39AM
744 posts

router and server errors debug

Installation and Configuration

@SE -

Actually, not.

MOST ex-Ningsters -- and I am one of those -- will go with a cPanel or similar "managed" hosting solution specifically because they don't want to deal with the arcana of LAMP configs and such. It's one of the reasons why they went with Ning in the first place rather than building something from scratch in Jomsocial or similar.

$100 month (say) for managed hosting is less than what my base consulting rate is. If I spend 1 hour a month on server management it's worth it to me to pay someone else to manage the server. Arvixe is adequate for my needs now but I am very much looking to moving my JR installation to something desinged for JR hosting and let someone else do the server management rather than moving JR to a generic VPS and managing the server on my own.
Clay Gordon
02/04/15 07:29:37AM
744 posts

Home Page Latest Forum URLs - all broken

Ning To Jamroom

More troubleshooting info:

Module URL was changed to " forums " for consistency yesterday as part of a larger discussion on where pages get their names

Skin global config forums URL was changed to

Skin global config media require images is off.
Clay Gordon
02/04/15 07:18:34AM
744 posts

2 simple questions about private messaging/following

Ning To Jamroom

@iamtimbo -

There is no "who I am following" list at the moment. This was brought up in another thread on this topic.

It's a necessary addition. The question is how does it get surfaced in the UI?

I thought it might be nice to add it to the stats section, only visible to the profile owner. Do you have other thoughts?

Still waiting to hear back on when this might get implemented.
Clay Gordon
02/04/15 06:58:27AM
744 posts

Home Page Latest Forum URLs - all broken

Ning To Jamroom

If you take a close look at the screen shot - the URL at the very bottom of the page - you will see that it's routed to the member forum, not the site-wide forum owner, which is me.

The URLs are correct when I go to the Forums page and they are correct in the Activity Timeline. They are just wrong in the Latest Forums Post box.

This is a problem as you might imagine and, again, I have no idea what might have caused the change in behavior since last night.

One thing I did notice that may or may not be related. When I woke up this morning the Private Notes function was missing from the top nav! I went into the Quota Config and it was set properly there, but I went in and re-applied the quota config settings and it reappeared. This is not the first time this has happened but before I was willing to believe it was because I wasn't paying attention to the quota settings.

I did disable and re-enable the " Allow Profile Forum " capability in the jrForum quota config but this did not address the problem. What I did notice was that when this was off, no Forum posts from members were visible on the home page. I turned it back on and the Forum posts reappeared on the home page, but the URLs were still wrong.

I did not do anything in any of the related template files last night to mess with the URLs this way. I did add some sub-menus to items in the top nav (hover over pages, for example) but I can't see how this would affect what's being displayed in the Latest Profile Forums content block.

- 261KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/08/15 04:52:31PM
Clay Gordon
02/04/15 06:40:00AM
744 posts

Creating a sandbox copy of current site - without images - best way

Ning To Jamroom

I could do a partial import.

What happens if I do the import on the entire photos JSON but only the first directory of photos is copied over - the first 1000 images? Will the script fail gracefully? I would do that as a separate import. I am not worried about orphaned images - just enough to be able to test sorting and such.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 08:28:43PM
744 posts

All skins Header.tpl COMPARE function broken.

Ning To Jamroom

Broken for me, too.


Not footer.tpl and not a random other template on the list.
Template_Compare_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-03_23.26.37.png Template_Compare_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-03_23.26.37.png - 91KB

updated by @claygordon: 02/03/15 08:29:06PM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 08:05:06PM
744 posts

Missing 8 groups on Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

@Strumelia -

I did a browser search on " groupPrivacy " (as that string shows up only once for each group) to determine if they all were created by me.

They were.

I don't know the import script but it looks like groups 0-6 (the oldest groups) did not get imported.
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 07:41:38PM
744 posts

Missing 8 groups on Ning Import

Ning To Jamroom

Of the 20 groups listed here on my Ning site only 13 made it through the import ... i.e., are visible on Groups page. Looking in the datastore browser they rest are simply not there.

But all 20 are in the JSON files as can be seen in the screenshot.

The view JSON archive tool in PHP array is very cool.

One note, Paul, you might want to consider making the default selection null (i.e., "Select an archive") because the first archive (blog) could be huge and take a really, really, really long time to load.
View_JSON_Archive_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-03_22.38.10.png View_JSON_Archive_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-03_22.38.10.png - 133KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/14/15 01:41:15PM
Clay Gordon
02/03/15 05:18:33PM
744 posts

Creating a sandbox copy of current site - without images - best way

Ning To Jamroom

Thanks -

If it does this then I am good to go when it comes to rolling up my sleeves and working on the design of a header and other aspects of the site.