Forum Activity for @claygordon

Clay Gordon
02/07/15 03:07:36PM
744 posts

Locating Ning users who have logged in but are still in the default quota

Ning To Jamroom

I am trying to move all of my members out of the default quota but I don't see an easy way to determine what quota members who have logged in (at some point) and what quota they belong to.

Ideally I'd like to send them an email message and get them to move themselves but I would be happy to move them into another quota in bulk just to get them out of the default quota.

In part, this will give me, at a glance, the number of members who have not claimed their account by looking at the count in the quota browser.

updated by @claygordon: 03/11/15 10:48:56PM
Clay Gordon
02/07/15 03:01:25PM
744 posts

Multiple Identical Gallery Created in Timeline

Ning To Jamroom

But the gallery only appears once.

I am curious to know how this occurred, and in trying to figure this out I first went to the jrGallery datastore browser. Nothing there.

So I went to the Timeline module and sure enough, there they are in the datastore. Consecutive entries' jrAction content looks like this:

{"_created":"1422733532","_updated":"1422733532","... }

I am guessing these are Julian dates and I could not find a converter to figure out what the time differences were in a format that made sense to me, but ...

The timestamps are identical through the first 10 digits.
The timestamp differences are 154 units and 87 units which makes me think they happened very close together.

Not the sort of thing that a user would do, but something a program might do. Plus, the number of timeline entries is exactly 10, which is a number that's used all over the place for pagebreaks and similar limits.

I don't want to delete the timeline entries until someone has a chance to look into this but I do want to make sure I don't have a lot of identical entries in my timeline.
Timeline_-_Vera_Hofman_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-07_16.24.30.png Timeline_-_Vera_Hofman_TheChocolateLife_-_2015-02-07_16.24.30.png - 1.4MB

updated by @claygordon: 03/22/15 05:33:52PM
Clay Gordon
02/07/15 12:26:20PM
744 posts

Images on profile tabs - is it possible?

Design and Skin Customization

@claygordon Don't hold your breath! I'm learning my way through this all so slowly!

I'd already found the profile_menu.tpl, which seems to use a foreach loop to go throug all active tab, and then label them with their respective $tab.label . I can't tell where tab.label is set (yet). I think that means that it should be possible to substitute an image, but taht it would be the same image for each tab, which is not what I'm after.

I had this issue in another template. You actually do a test inside the foreach loop to select the one tab you want to modify.

if tab_name != the tab we're looking for
 do the default
 modify the tab
Clay Gordon
02/07/15 12:02:14PM
744 posts

Ningja skin clone - not copying over custom images

Ning To Jamroom

I cloned my old skin in anticipation of applying the changes to the most recent Ningja skin update.

I have two custom images in my skin -- the logo at the top and the "to the top" arrow in the lower-right corner.

These images did not copy across. I had to manually upload them and make them active.
updated by @claygordon: 03/18/15 11:01:35AM
Clay Gordon
02/07/15 08:12:31AM
744 posts

Inconsistent (and missing) pagers

Ning To Jamroom

Glad to hear. I will hold off on making any changes.
Clay Gordon
02/06/15 07:27:38PM
744 posts

ningja skin 1.0.16 changelog

Ning To Jamroom

I suppose I could, but I had some pretty interesting problems getting my first clone skin to work that I am a little gun-shy about cloning (JR skins and in general).

When you make the clone you lose all indications of which templates have changed from the prior active skin.

I could apply the same technique I mentioned about the module templates to the skin templates. Make a note of which templates have been edited from the previous version and then look to see the diffs in just those templates, because those the only ones that matter.

It's getting late here. I need to think about that a bit when I am not as tired. Should work ... hmmm. Feeling the will to walk away from the computer weakening ...
Clay Gordon
02/06/15 06:30:16PM
744 posts

Inconsistent (and missing) pagers

Ning To Jamroom

I've been wondering why the pagers look so different from one part of the site to the next - and why they are missing from at least one part of the site (the Groups pages).

I would prefer the style indicated in the screen shot for all of the pagers, but I kinda thinking that there's something not just in the templates but also in the CSS that I need to pay attention to and I'd like some guidance on how to make the changes so I can have the pagers consistently formatted and presented. (That includes not only the select box but also the arrow.)

While I can make the changes for my site, I actually think that this is something that needs to be addressed at the base skin level, not just in my fork of the Ningja skin.


--- edited to fix typos, grammar, and paragraph order ---
Screen Shot-CallingAllPagers.jpg Screen Shot-CallingAllPagers.jpg - 136KB

updated by @claygordon: 03/10/15 10:59:11AM
Clay Gordon
02/06/15 06:24:47PM
744 posts

ningja skin 1.0.16 changelog

Ning To Jamroom

Strumelia -

Maybe. I don't know.

One of the things I have started doing is to look at module templates BEFORE I do the update to see if I have modified any of them. That way I know which templates I have edited (if any) so I know where problems might arise.

I then copy what's been done in that changelog into a text editor as well as a list of the templates I've modified for that module.

Then I update the module. If things don't work the way I like, I can revert the module to the prior version.

Then I can go back and do a compare on the templates to see where the differences are and decide what I need to do. I can copy the affected code into the editor and think about the steps that need to be done to merge the changes as quickly as possible.

Then I can revert the revert and make the changes quickly. If I think it'll take more than a few seconds, I can put the site in maintenance mode for as long as it takes so that visitors don't have a bad experience.

Clay Gordon
02/06/15 05:54:36PM
744 posts

Images on profile tabs - is it possible?

Design and Skin Customization

@iamtimbo -

I am interested in seeing what you come up with and how you arrived at making it happen. I have been thinking about ways to modify the menu, too.

Clay Gordon
02/06/15 05:43:25PM
744 posts

location lot a signup question or editable field

Ning To Jamroom

Paul and SE -

NN2R, I got this all sorted out.

SE - if you're having a problem with a system update to the skin, I'd create a new topic for it so it's easier to find and is top of mind, not buried.