Forum Activity for @developer-networks

Developer Networks
10/08/13 08:49:56AM
566 posts

JR5 Beta - Installation Error

Using Jamroom

<text> I receive this error when installing the beta. The data folders are all 777 and in attempt to make it work I tried it with the jrcore at 777 as well. </text>
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/" on line 17 "{if jrCore_module_is_active(''jrSearch'')}" - Unexpected "jrSearch", expected one of: "","" , ")"' in /home/ Stack trace: #0 /home/ Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error() #1 /home/ Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->yy_syntax_error(19, 'jrSearch') #2 /home/ Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->doParse(19, 'j in /home/ on line 662 

updated by @developer-networks: 12/13/13 02:26:05PM
Developer Networks
10/08/13 08:04:25AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Charts Not Working

Using Jamroom

I already wiped it and will start over testing.
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:27:44AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - JrAudio Set Item Order

Using Jamroom

Yes. If all these bugs are not showing on your setup the same then its something to do with my files on mine. I haven't modified anything other then my skin while testing functionality of the beta. I will wipe it clean and start over today and see if the functionality is still missing for me on these issues.
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:24:08AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Site Map Page Not Found

Using Jamroom

Yes we have mod_rewrite enabled and the .htaccess file is in place unmodified. I have a stock installation but maybe my files were corrupted somehow?
updated by @developer-networks: 10/08/13 07:24:21AM
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:21:06AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Charts Not Working

Using Jamroom

They used to work for me too until I started using the 5.1. I have tried with all skins.
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:11:51AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Site Map Page Not Found

Using Jamroom

When I click on:

==> ACP

==> System Tools

==> Create SiteMap

I get a error 404 page on all skins.
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:05:12AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - JrAudio Set Item Order

Using Jamroom

When editing an album I was not able to set the item order via drag and drop. I tested this functionality on firefox and IE the latest version to date.
updated by @developer-networks: 12/06/13 06:14:48PM
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:03:30AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Site Map Page Not Found

Using Jamroom

I tried to create a site map however the page was not found.

The page you requested was not found!

This error also shows on all skins
updated by @developer-networks: 12/13/13 07:51:55PM
Developer Networks
10/08/13 07:01:35AM
566 posts

JR 5.1 Beta - Charts Not Working

Using Jamroom

I have noticed the charts do not work on my beta site. They are populating with plays however the hot up or cool down functionality dosent work on any skin mine or yours.

I have wondered if my skins were bugged so I re-downloaded them and installed them again however I had no luck resolving this.
updated by @developer-networks: 12/05/13 04:17:37PM
Developer Networks
10/04/13 06:09:59PM
566 posts

Beta Testing Jamroom 5.1.0


Perfect! That explained it well and that's very exciting! So folks can develop "mods" under the MPL and build on Jamroom 5 and or, you could be licensed under a JCL for more commercial custom modules.

That's awesome!