Forum Activity for @developer-networks

Developer Networks
11/07/13 12:54:26AM
566 posts

"Start Your Own Online Community" Course.

Using Jamroom

Great Job Michael! I will check it out and give it some support.
Developer Networks
10/30/13 08:00:59AM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

I did not know the localhost was shielded from the sniffers. Thanks for updating me on that one. Now I can scratch that off my security list here.

Thanks agian for your time.
Developer Networks
10/30/13 07:55:35AM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

Thank you for your time!
Developer Networks
10/30/13 07:48:52AM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

All of items with the red dots in the Marketplace.

* Its showing all modules up to date. Did you update them or did it resolve itself somehow?
updated by @developer-networks: 10/30/13 07:54:47AM
Developer Networks
10/30/13 06:28:43AM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

Seems to be not working. At first i updated the core manually. Then going in to the marketplace and attempting to update all i still recieved this error:


when trying to update individually the 1st module that needed updating on the list.

I recieve this error:
"Invalid Module License - please refresh the System Updates tab and try again"

Since im using the n8Showcase skin i also tried it in jrElastic and returned the same results.
updated by @developer-networks: 10/30/13 06:29:41AM
Developer Networks
10/30/13 06:14:55AM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

I will try updating that now.
Developer Networks
10/29/13 11:07:58PM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

On mine the market place is populating. However when attempting to update anything im getting a redirect to this page:


I figure it may be because i dont have any ftp values in place on my

Marketplace ==> Global Configuration.

Also when clicking on install a free file it returns with this error

"Invalid host received - please try again"
updated by @developer-networks: 10/29/13 11:20:49PM
Developer Networks
10/29/13 10:35:47PM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

Using FTP is very unsecure and leaves websites open to easy attacks.
Developer Networks
10/29/13 10:34:48PM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

To do the update to my server i would like it to log in via SFTP instead of passing my credentials via FTP.
Developer Networks
10/29/13 10:34:06PM
566 posts

Marketplace Errors

Jamroom Developers

During a system update and clicking update one of the files it is telling me

"Invalid host received - please try again"

** update i figured this out and its because i dont have any FTP credentials put in. I dont have FTP even running on my servers for security reasons.
updated by @developer-networks: 10/29/13 10:36:55PM