Shopping cart pass specific file in sale
Jamroom Developers
I see what your saying but not really because if my module was selling Tshirts lets say and depending on the size selected the end user would pay a different price for size and also would recieve a different downloadable file based on selection then quickly run in to this problem.
Since my module has multiple different downloadable files uploaded to the item and depending on the sale there is a problem if I followed your example. It would plague the shopping catalog list with different versions of the same item.
If i had to upload an item of the same Tshirt for every single different size for each file download the end users would have to sort the list through 25 different versions of the same shirt. To simplify their shopping experience I need to be able to just pass specific files related to the item sold to deliver the variable file options for the item just like other online markets do.
I was hoping you would say passing something like this would do it.
<a href="" onclick="jrPayment_add_to_cart('myCoffee','{$item._item_id}','coffee_small_price','', )">{jrCore_icon icon="cart"}{$item.coffee_small_price}</a>
Im able to get the shopping cart sale to show the small coffee in the sale or large coffee based on selection with my module during sale but how can I associate that properly so the right downloadable file is passed or included in the sale here. All three files are uploaded to the item and based on the version purchased i am trying to allow only the end user only access to the correct downloadable file.
updated by @developer-networks: 08/07/19 10:44:38PM