Forum Activity for @developer-networks

Developer Networks
08/07/19 10:15:37PM
566 posts

Shopping cart pass specific file in sale

Jamroom Developers

I see what your saying but not really because if my module was selling Tshirts lets say and depending on the size selected the end user would pay a different price for size and also would recieve a different downloadable file based on selection then quickly run in to this problem.

Since my module has multiple different downloadable files uploaded to the item and depending on the sale there is a problem if I followed your example. It would plague the shopping catalog list with different versions of the same item.

If i had to upload an item of the same Tshirt for every single different size for each file download the end users would have to sort the list through 25 different versions of the same shirt. To simplify their shopping experience I need to be able to just pass specific files related to the item sold to deliver the variable file options for the item just like other online markets do.

I was hoping you would say passing something like this would do it.

<a href="" onclick="jrPayment_add_to_cart('myCoffee','{$item._item_id}','coffee_small_price','', )">{jrCore_icon icon="cart"}{$item.coffee_small_price}</a>

Im able to get the shopping cart sale to show the small coffee in the sale or large coffee based on selection with my module during sale but how can I associate that properly so the right downloadable file is passed or included in the sale here. All three files are uploaded to the item and based on the version purchased i am trying to allow only the end user only access to the correct downloadable file.
updated by @developer-networks: 08/07/19 10:44:38PM
Developer Networks
08/07/19 08:30:10AM
566 posts

Shopping cart pass specific file in sale

Jamroom Developers

I have items in my module with three different download options. Small medium and large files to download. I am able to pass the prices to the shopping cart but how do I pass the individual downloadable file during the sale?

well call this module coffee with small medium and large cups available for download.

   <a href="" onclick="jrPayment_add_to_cart('myCoffee','{$item._item_id}','coffee_small_price')">{jrCore_icon icon="cart"}{$item.coffee_small_price}</a>

I need to allow only the small coffee file in this item during this sale.

How would I pass that to the shopping cart as well? are all uploaded to the item.

During this sale I am trying to pass file only and contain the sale to only allow download.

updated by @developer-networks: 11/20/19 04:27:11AM
Developer Networks
07/31/19 02:24:06AM
566 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

Yes that did it got rid of the CRI error.

Thank you!

updated by @developer-networks: 07/31/19 02:24:52AM
Developer Networks
07/31/19 01:11:46AM
566 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

I apologize I accidentally copied and posted the schema file in the post above here.

I do have that file in the module as well as I noted earlier.

But the quota file in the module looks like this. I changed the name to myOranges.


// make sure we are not being called directly
defined('APP_DIR') or exit();

 * quota_config
function myOranges_quota_config(){
    return true;

What is the meaning of the CRI error? The code looks right and nothing is showing in my error logs.

also it did create the item and item key in the database for the module.
updated by @developer-networks: 07/31/19 01:29:47AM
Developer Networks
07/31/19 01:05:40AM
566 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

beginning of this post in the code. That is copied from quota.php

// make sure we are not being called directly
defined('APP_DIR') or exit();

 * db_schema
function myModule_db_schema(){
    jrCore_db_create_datastore('myOranges', 'orange');
    return true;

when I click on the module in the ACP I get this error:

error says:
CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myOranges

updated by @developer-networks: 07/31/19 01:09:05AM
Developer Networks
07/31/19 12:31:13AM
566 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

Your right, I’m using module just as the example here for the post.

"myModule" is named something like you suggest it could be anything.. "myOranges" orange

I posted the exact quota.php file here to see there is no reason for the error as far as I can see but the system is throwing this error in my module development.

updated by @developer-networks: 07/31/19 12:59:48AM
Developer Networks
07/30/19 05:46:46PM
566 posts

CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule

Jamroom Developers

// make sure we are not being called directly
defined('APP_DIR') or exit();

 * db_schema
function myModule_db_schema(){
    jrCore_db_create_datastore('myModule', 'module');
    return true;

get a white screen on the module and cannot set up quota.

error says:
CRI: unable to retrieve quota settings for module: myModule
I ran integrity check and checked the code it appears to be normal.
no other errors in the logs. Its just a basic module to get up and running.

the module consist of:
Lang directory and en-US.php file
updated by @developer-networks: 10/30/19 09:02:43AM
Developer Networks
07/30/19 05:16:07PM
566 posts

Query Error: Table 'myDatabase_name.jr_jrfollower_follow' doesn't exist

Installation and Configuration

Solved this by:
- Deleting the jrFollower module
- Then installing it again from the marketplace.
maybe the module had a missing/corrupted file during the install.

updated by @developer-networks: 07/30/19 05:16:53PM
Developer Networks
07/30/19 04:44:50PM
566 posts

Query Error: Table 'myDatabase_name.jr_jrfollower_follow' doesn't exist

Installation and Configuration

Did a fresh install and received this error.
Quote: Query Error: Table 'myDatabase_name.jr_jrfollower_follow' doesn't exist

looks like the system did not create this table. Any way to ask the system to create all or any of the missing module tables from the install?

I tried repair.php however it did not help.

Also is there a developer tool that can reload ALL the modules from instead clicking reload each one at a time? Im looking for a fast way to verify ALL installation files are included or reloaded from the source.

updated by @developer-networks: 10/30/19 02:48:38AM
Developer Networks
01/28/19 03:32:07PM
566 posts

Javascript URL Errors On Install

Installation and Configuration

Sounds like you have something corrupting your downloads, or malware that is affecting your server in some way. I've just installed the OS Jamroom here no issues. Note that every install on our hosting uses the open source as the base, so we'd see this VERY fast if there was an issue. Note as well that "skins" in the URL is hard coded as well, so I have no idea how your install is being corrupted but it is.

It would be very unlikely viruses or malware are effecting anything. All of my systems are hardened immediately and I had just provisioned this development environment. Updated and deployed centos and then Wordpress and Jamroom. The Wordpress part is running parallel in same website root and works normal and i placed jamroom is in a sub directory folder called /test/... Only seeing the errors in the Jamroom files. I will set up everything again and try downloading the files all over again. I have a brand new MAC that I am setting up tonight and would really like to start developing this new site soon.

updated by @developer-networks: 01/28/19 03:34:42PM