Forum Activity for @developer-networks

Developer Networks
05/27/16 04:33:37AM
566 posts

After removing jrCombined uploaded_audio stays with the router

Jamroom Developers

I have developed a module for a customer that works with the jrAudio module. It allows access to the songs and other media on the site.

However the client messing around installed jrCombined to the website and now the website has changed the url routing in the system.

the audio url routing system used to work like this

however now its doing this

I have completely removed the jrCombined module from the server and the router system is still doing this:
When I click the audio title to the single audio track listed
it throws a 404 page not found error when directed to the regular url

my module is still currently using this routing method:

and the actual new url that the router is using is this:

I was unable to sort this out by doing the following steps:

I have deleted the jrCombined modules, cleared cache, and ran integrity check and re processed all media on the website

however it still adds uploaded_audio to the urls when clicking on the song titles in the list.

updated by @developer-networks: 09/01/16 06:13:50PM
Developer Networks
05/27/16 04:17:04AM
566 posts

Anyone want freelance work sent their way?

Jamroom Developers

I am also available if you need development, just let me know. :)
Developer Networks
04/08/16 06:08:59AM
566 posts

replace module images in skin

Design and Skin Customization

Using the JrLike module as the example here. My skin is using these new like buttons. (see attached)

Currently I have added these images to the jrLike module and call them in the templates overrides from there. However I know this would not be the best practice. When ever they updated it would require me to go in and add the images again to the clients website.

I tried to figure out a way to place these images in the skin directory so they could replace and override the module images just like the jrCore does a template override does but was unsuccessful.

*** If Jamroom dosent have this functionality it would be a nice feature for skin developers.

Currently I have the template being overridden jrLike_button.tpl in my templates.
{if $action == 'like'}

    <div id="{$module_url}_{$item._item_id}_{$action}" class="like_button_box">

        {if $like_status == 'like'}

            {* this user can "like" the item *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="4" default="Like" assign="title"}
            {if $_conf.jrLike_require_login == 'on' && !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="like.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>
                <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'like', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="like.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>

        {elseif $like_status == 'liked'}

            {* user already liked this *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="6" default="You Liked This!" assign="title"}
            {if $_conf.jrLike_require_login == 'on' && !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="liked.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>
                <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'like', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="liked.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>


            {* user not allowed liked this *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="4" default="Like" assign="title"}
            <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'like', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$like_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>

        <span class="like_count" title=""><a onclick="jrLike_get_like_users(this, '{$module}', '{$item._item_id}', 'like', '{$unique_id}');">{$like_count|default:0|number_format}</a></span>


{elseif $action == 'dislike'}

    <div id="{$module_url}_{$item._item_id}_{$action}" class="dislike_button_box">

        {if $dislike_status == 'dislike'}

            {* this user is allowed to dislike this *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="5" default="Dislike" assign="title"}
            {if $_conf.jrLike_require_login == 'on' && !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$dislike_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="dislike_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>
                <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'dislike', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$dislike_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="dislike_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>

        {elseif $dislike_status == 'disliked'}

            {* user already disliked this *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="7" default="You Disliked This!" assign="title"}
            {if $_conf.jrLike_require_login == 'on' && !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$dislike_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="dislike_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>
                <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'dislike', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$dislike_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="dislike_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>


            {* user not allowed to dislike *}
            {jrCore_lang module="jrLike" id="5" default="Dislike" assign="title"}
            <a onclick="jrLike_action('{$module_url}', '{$item._item_id}', 'dislike', '{$unique_id}');">{jrCore_image module="jrLike" image="`$dislike_status`.png" width="24" height="24" class="dislike_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}</a>

        <span id="{$module_url}_{$item._item_id}_{$action}_dislike_count" class="dislike_count" title=""><a onclick="jrLike_get_like_users(this, '{$module}', '{$item._item_id}', 'dislike', '{$unique_id}');">{$dislike_count|default:0|number_format}</a></span>


<div id="likers-{$unique_id}" class="search_box likers_box">
    <div style="float:right;clear:both;margin-top:3px;">
        <a class="simplemodal-close">{jrCore_icon icon="close" size="16"}</a>
    <div id="liker_list_{$unique_id}" class="liker_list"></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
<div id="like-state-{$unique_id}" style="display:none"></div>

Currently this template would be in my skin directory jrLike_button.tpl

Now if I want to swap out the image like.png with liked-icon.png how would i over ride the modules like.png file?

I was hoping I could add the image to my skin /img/ directory or the skin root directory and the jrCore router would catch the name of jrLike_like.png and it would override the jrLike like.png image in the jrLike module.

like.png like.png - 873B

updated by @developer-networks: 04/08/16 06:57:24AM
Developer Networks
04/07/16 03:12:04PM
566 posts

replace module images in skin

Design and Skin Customization

I was looking for a way that I can develop this functionality in to the skin. Like I can do with a template override. Is that possible with images?
Developer Networks
04/03/16 04:12:34AM
566 posts

replace module images in skin

Design and Skin Customization

I was wondering if there was a way to swap out images in modules like I can do with templates? If so how would I properly do this? I have custom images needed for skin development and would like to use them. Currently the only way I can see properly doing this would be to create a template that replecates the module template and rename the images I guess. I was thinking there might be a better way like naming the image to override the image used in the module.
updated by @developer-networks: 07/10/16 01:15:35PM
Developer Networks
04/02/16 06:48:28AM
566 posts

Where would I find the code that dispays number of online users?

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks Paul for having a look anyways, I appreciate your time :)

Thanks Steve you were right on with the session_quota_id
    // Get active session users
    $tmp = '';
    $tim = 900; // default to active in last 15 minutes
    if (isset($params['length']) && jrCore_checktype($params['length'], 'number_nz')) {
        $tim = intval($params['length'] * 60); //  override (in minutes)
    $tbl = jrCore_db_table_name('jrUser', 'session');
    $req = "SELECT CONCAT_WS('_',session_user_ip,session_user_group) AS session_uniq, session_updated, session_user_id, session_quota_id, session_user_action FROM {$tbl} WHERE session_updated > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - {$tim})";
    if (isset($params['quota_id']) && jrCore_checktype($params['quota_id'], 'number_nz')) {
        $req .= " AND session_quota_id = '" . intval($params['quota_id']) . "'";
    $req .= " GROUP BY session_uniq ORDER BY session_updated DESC";

From there I was able to understand that the quota_id was passed and in fact part of the function parameters

Thanks Michael. You were also right with passing the quota_id in the smarty Function like shown:
 {jrUser_whos_online quota_id=4 template="whos_online.tpl"} 
is correct.

So to get the functionality I needed it was pretty simple. Ill show you what I did in effort to help others.

Lets say the quota your trying to show is ID 3.
---> You can find your quota id in your ACP=>profiles=>tools=>quota_browser and its name is the Artist quota.

You create the smarty function with the quota_id parameters like this:
 {jrUser_whos_online quota_id=3 template="artist_online.tpl"}

Next I created the artist_online.tpl template
{if isset($user)}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col12 last">
            <span class="media_title">Artist Online:</span>
    <div class="row">
        {foreach from=$user item="member"}
            <div class="col3{if $member@last} last{/if}">
                <div class="center capital p5">
                    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$member.profile_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrUser" type="user_image" item_id=$member.session_user_id size="xsmall" crop="auto" class="iloutline" alt=$member.session_user_name title=$member.session_user_name}</a>

And its working. Thanks everyone for the help! :)
updated by @developer-networks: 04/02/16 09:01:43AM
Developer Networks
04/01/16 01:08:03AM
566 posts

Where would I find the code that dispays number of online users?

Design and Skin Customization

I tried this to list a specific quota only {jrUser_whos_online quota_id=4} to show a a specific quota online however it did not work. Is this possible with the current functionality?

Developer Networks
03/29/16 11:18:07PM
566 posts

How Can I Make The Geo Flags Active

Geo Flags

Here is the documentation with examples of how to set up the module.

All flags are active in the system when the module is installed.

The module displays the flags based on the JrGeo location that is currently viewing the page.

let me know if this helps.
updated by @developer-networks: 03/29/16 11:20:43PM
Developer Networks
03/21/16 09:07:37PM
566 posts

Using Site Builder To Create A forum

Using Jamroom

Thanks that fixed the issue.