FB Share Wrong meta
Using Jamroom
Thanks Steve. But whats wrong with doing something like this in the headers?
For example:
<meta property="og:image" content="{$jrShareThis_current_image_link}"/>
It would require the module saving the "current_image_link", "item_title" ect... when each item is shared (button pressed and before the share event fires) to {$jrShareThis_current_image_link} but facebook would see this in the header and pull the varible link to the current item being shared?
After the share is complete just revert the "current_image_link" and other files used in the meta data to the default like site logos and decription incase facebook needs to crawl the site for other like / sharing needs.
(maby a tools tab for this content?)
This would require some work on the modules but I think it might be a solid intricate part of functionality.
* Now that my video is at 250+ shares on facebook in just 2 days and non stop moving and I am eager for Monday in hope we can help develop a solution on this.
updated by @developer-networks: 02/02/14 08:37:57PM