Forum Activity for @derrickhand300

07/29/16 11:45:43AM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

YES- thats what I have been trying to explain-Its not only the saving of the templates-updates to the tinymce editr ERASE my plugin explained to me awhile back that i needed to use aparna to make those into custom modules to stop them from being effected...but its easier for me to just add them back to the tinymce plugins folder after each update..:)
07/29/16 11:00:51AM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

Update- apparently it does not work that way because I just tried replacing the plugins part and now all i have is a very basic tinymce editor in the default widgets...
not sure how to get the same editor in sitebuilder widgets as i have in jrcore....will figure it out sooner or later likely by getting the code from a previous release and using it THEN SAVING to the skin...hey as reward for your patience and help I will still upload the video so you can enjoy the "uncomfortable silence" when i discovered you were right again :)

NOTE: I went back and got the code from sitebuilder form editor out of a previous folder 2 updates back and everything working fine now ( AND I SAVED IT TO THE SKIN)
Its not that important but in the video im uploading you can see the new updated tinymce editor with the new plug ins is adding H1 tags and paragraph breaks when copying/pasting that were not happening before the latest update.

No doubt its a tinymce issue and not a JR issue but wanted to report it to you
updated by @derrickhand300: 07/29/16 11:21:10AM
07/29/16 10:53:15AM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

Yes as usual you are right :)
I "had" 2 templates saved to the skin in this manner
and I believe the other is named

Been working fine for 6 months or so until recently
So I just went in and doubled checked what you said above and somehow/somewhere over the last month I have erased the jrSiteBuilder_form_editor.tpl in the skin folder...not sure when or how-actually just discovered it when making a screenshot video just now to share with you ( there was an embarrassing PAUSE in the video when i could not find the template in the skin :)... do i just need to copy the PLUG INS part of the code from jrCore to jrSitebuilder to have them the same or do you think there my be additional code to alter?
Here is the plugins code I have in jrCore_form_editor.tpl
 plugins: "jsplus_maps,spellchecker,contextmenu,pagebreak,{if $jrsmiley}jrsmiley,{/if}{if $jrembed}jrembed,media{/if},image,autoresize,{if $table}table,{/if}link,code,fullscreen,textcolor,colorpicker,preview{if $hr},hr{/if}",
    toolbar1: "formatselect | fontselect fontsizeselect forecolor {if $strong} bold{/if}{if $em} italic{/if}{if $span} underline{/if} | {if $span || $div} alignleft{/if}{if $span || $div} aligncenter{/if}{if $span || $div} alignright{/if}{if $span || $div} alignjustify |{/if}{if $ul && $li} bullist numlist |{/if}{if $div} outdent indent |{/if} undo redo | link unlink anchor pagebreak{if $table} table{/if}{if $hr} hr{/if} | code preview fullscreen{if $jrembed || $jrsmiley} |{/if}{if $jrembed} jrembed{/if}{if $jrsmiley} jrsmiley{/if},spellchecker,jsplus_maps",
    contextmenu: "link image | cut copy paste",
spellchecker_rpc_url: "{$jamroom_url}/modules/jrCore/contrib/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/spellchecker.php"

And here is the plugins code from the bottom of the jrSiteBuilder_form_editor.tpl
 plugins: "imagetools,pagebreak,{if $jrsmiley}jrsmiley,{/if}{if $jrembed}jrembed,media{/if},image,autoresize,{if $table}table,{/if}link,code,fullscreen,textcolor,colorpicker,preview{if $hr},hr{/if},tabindex,paste,anchor",
        toolbar1: "formatselect | fontselect fontsizeselect forecolor {if $strong} bold{/if}{if $em} italic{/if}{if $span} underline{/if} removeformat | {if $span || $div} alignleft{/if}{if $span || $div} aligncenter{/if}{if $span || $div} alignright{/if}{if $span || $div} alignjustify |{/if}{if $ul && $li} bullist numlist |{/if}{if $div} outdent indent |{/if} undo redo | link unlink anchor pagebreak{if $table} table{/if}{if $hr} hr{/if} | code preview fullscreen{if $jrembed || $jrsmiley} |{/if}{if $jrembed} jrembed{/if}{if $jrsmiley} jrsmiley{/if}"
If you notice the script tag at the end in that last code it seems lime jrSitebuilder is using js and jrCore is not...
So now i guess my remain question is can I just copy the plugins part of the code from the jrCore template to the jrSiteBuilder template then both editors will be the same?
Sorry this is so lengthy and thanks again
07/29/16 10:09:02AM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

Exactly my thoughts
So I am not understanding why I have a different editor in Aparna module than i do in the default module widgets...
I am certain the code for the templates is not getting over-ridden but the updates to System Core ( which include tinymce plugins-*not templates) do get removed. Thats expected and I understand that and solved it by adding each plug in thats removed, back to tinymce after updates.
I need to take some time and compare the template codes I have saved in the skins to insure they are the same...wanting to do this but covered up in other stuff last few days so i hope to get to it soon
I appreciate your help- thanks man!
07/29/16 09:38:39AM
1,353 posts

What are YOUR first steps in setting up a Jamroom site?

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael
I am in the process of creating a "Jobs" board for one of my sites-I am using free open source 3rd party software ONLY because my main site is not a "Members" site, more of a traditional regular website- but with the JOBS board i need to create "members" so they can post resumes for employers etc...I think it could have been done using some very advanced JR methods but it was easier for me to just make a page on my site with the phpbb free software installed...
With that said and concerning writing DOCS for Jamroom-I wanted to share a link with you for "THEIR" "quickstart" guide because I really like they way they have laid out their navigation and Doc's- thought it might give you some fresh ideas

1-Quick start guide on the left covering installation and settings ( this could be for setting JR up on the server then installing modules and setting quotas
2-Tabs at the top of the page covering the more advanced stuff

I think it would be a great way to organize the Docs- anyways hope it gives you an idea or two you can use
Thanks for everything!
07/28/16 05:59:20PM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

It sounds like you are making modifications to the modules/jrCore/templates/editor.tpl directly - you do NOT want to do that - if you modify that file directly, it will be overwritten every time you update to a new version of the core.
Instead, you need to make a COPY of that file in your active (cloned) skin directory - i.e.
Makes your modifications to THAT file and it will be used in place of the one that comes with the Core.
You can also make your modifications from the ACP -> Core -> Templates section - any changes made there are NOT overwritten when a new core module comes out.
See the "Never customize templates in the module or skin directories!" section of this guide:

Thanks Brian but my templates that I modify are all saved to the skin and uploaded by FTP
07/28/16 05:58:10PM
1,353 posts

How to undo Update Changes?

Using Jamroom

You should be able to revert to a previous module version in Marketplace > Tools
Look for the Release Archive button - "Previous version of modules and skins that can be restored"

Thanks Steve- I understand that but the update seems to be in the System Core module where the tinymce is located only thing I can think of is rolling back the entire core...I will try to find some screen video capture software i can download and make a video showing the behavior
Thanks Guys
07/28/16 09:38:38AM
1,353 posts

What are YOUR first steps in setting up a Jamroom site?

Using Jamroom

I think one point that could use some repeating to new users is for them the make a CLONE of the original JR skin they start with, make the clone active and then make their custom tweaks to their new cloned skin only and leave the original parent skin alone. The concept of updating the parent skin and looking at which of those updates you want in your custom skin is important, and is something most new users seem to miss.

I agree 100%
Sorry to keep adding to this but I would configure all the custom meta tags for my site right off
Then I would install all the sharethis and oneall stuff and get that working on the sharethis and oneall websites- then i would add it to the test site
My plan anymore is to build the shell of the website and have as much of it working properly as possible THEN start filling in with content
07/28/16 09:30:13AM
1,353 posts

What are YOUR first steps in setting up a Jamroom site?

Using Jamroom

People who are experienced at 'setting up a new site' can probably do it without a detailed guide. It's the folks like me (with a little bit of html and admin of a ning site for years, but no experience in CSS or server/domain stuff at all) who will benefit the most from a step-by-step guide. I assume that's who you are targeting. A guide laid out in easy-to-understand layman's terms may seem like a lot to have to bother explaining, but overall it will help the Jamroom Team by answering some of those repetitive newbie questions, and of course it will help new users grasp the concepts and what they need to do, in logical order.
It's the exciting success or frustrating failure of those very first steps taken by a non-coder that will often determine whether they stick with Jamroom and with owning/running their own site....or whether they give up and walk away because they find it's beyond their abilities. The thing about it is that once a non-coder (like me) successfully gets past the first few hurdles, their level of confidence and rate of learning improve more quickly. A good clear guide for beginners on 'getting started' is really worth its weight in gold.

It does take a certain stubbornness and perseverance ( the great support keeps you going because they seldom give up on you) in the beginning- I still consider myself a novice and always will be- but I am always amazed at what i can do with jamroom even as a novice
updated by @derrickhand300: 07/28/16 09:30:48AM