Question About Debug and Datastore
Using Jamroom
I am working with the youtube/facebook share meta tags so that they pull the proper info when posting a link to youube-I have quite a bit of it finished by using the datastore and DEBUG console
Here is my problem with og image and og description
The default templates use code like this
<meta property="og:description" content="{$youtube_description}" />
<meta property="og:image" content="{$youtube_id}/mqdefault.jpg" />
But when you look at the page source code these 2 pieces are not getting ANY data and are left blank in the page source code
When I check the datastore the information is contained in there- but when I look in the DEBUG console its not in do I get it into the debug console so it will show up when I add it to a template
Sorry if my description is a little off-This is new territory for me
updated by @derrickhand300: 02/19/16 05:23:49PM