Forum Activity for @derrickhand300

01/23/16 07:36:46PM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

Hi Douglas and thanks again man...
I am making the changes by modifying the CSS and uploading to server in both the footer.css and my custom page "custom.css" which is set to override the other css files...
When I look at the styles tab I see the VIEW CHANGES it shows all my changes including that footer code thats stuck in there...but I still cant find it or how its overriding my custom.css page?
01/22/16 10:52:53AM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

This is in my footer html

{if isset($css_footer_href)}
    {foreach from=$css_footer_href item="_css"}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$_css.source}" media="{$|default:"screen"}"/>

Any idea where this is located?

I have searched EVERY SINGLE CSS file on my server and nowhere is there the code
#footer { background-color:#D1D0CE !important; }

Yet in Data>cache>skin> its there in the cache folder...I keep erasing it on the server and it keeps coming back instead of the #FFFFFF which I have added..
updated by @derrickhand300: 01/22/16 10:55:42AM
01/22/16 09:50:50AM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

The site is you can see the gray footer I wish to turn white
01/22/16 07:12:23AM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

Thank you Douglas-I am not thinking its a problem with Jamroom-just a problem with my coding
01/21/16 02:40:20PM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

Sorry this will be lengthy- but looking at the page source- the css that I cannot seem to edit appears with this group of css
#jrmenu_content {background-color:#FFFFFF !important;}
#jrmenu a {color:#CC0000 !important;}
#jrmenu li:hover > a {background-color:#D1D0CE !important;}
#jrmenu ul {background-color:#D1D0CE !important;}
#jrmenu ul li {border-right-color:#000000 !important;border-bottom-color:#000000 !important;border-left-color:#000000 !important;}
#jrmenu ul li:first-child > a {border-top-color:#000000 !important;}
#jrmenu ul ul li:first-child a:after {border-right-color:#000000 !important;}
.rank {color:#3B3131 !important;}
.normal {color:#3B3131 !important;}
#menu ul li:first-child > a:after {border-bottom-color:#000000 !important;}
#menu ul ul li:first-child a:after {border-right-color:#000000 !important;}
#menu ul li:first-child a:hover:after {border-bottom-color:#000000 !important;}
#menu ul ul li:first-child a:hover:after {border-right-color:#000000 !important;}

#footer {background-color:#D1D0CE !important;}

#menu ul a {width:auto !important;}
@media handheld,only screen and (max-width:767px) {.item {margin:2px auto !important;}
#footer a {color:#FF0000 !important;}
.page_notice_drop {background-color:#000000 !important;}
#footer a {text-transform:capitalize !important;text-decoration:none !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;}
#footer a:hover {text-decoration:underline !important;}
#footer_text {text-align:right !important;color:#CCCCCC !important;font-size:14px !important;padding:12px !important;}

I have added spaces above/below there a style sheet somewhere in Slate that contains this CSS together?
01/21/16 02:20:24PM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

Thank you Douglas..I had actually checked that before posting


Nothing in there for footer background color ( I am using the slate skin)

Under the VIEW CHANGES tab is see that it states the css has been changed to
#footer { background-color:#D1D0CE !important; } 

But I have no idea where..
01/21/16 11:24:06AM
1,353 posts

Need CSS Help

Using Jamroom

Need help understanding what I am doing wrong with CSS
I am attempting to change the footer color of my site from ##D1D0CE to #FFFFFF

This is the default CSS for the footer
#footer {
    background-color: #D1D0CE !important;

In my custom CSS I have added this
#footer {
    background-color: #FFFFFF !important;

I have changed the code everywhere imaginable and after a few hours now I am really frustrated

I have also changed the original style sheet css to the FFFFFF color- but somehow this is getting cached...I have done MANY cache resets and integrity checks...

Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
01/18/16 10:04:17AM
1,353 posts

Error Log Entry

Using Jamroom

I seem to get this error daily for a very long time- everything seems to be working ok...should I disregard the error?

Thank you

EDIT: Removed code as it was causing the page layout to change.
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM