Forum Activity for @derrickhand300

04/27/16 09:20:02AM
1,353 posts


Using Jamroom

Also...I have a page titled "jewelry and keychains" BUT when i enter "jewelry" into the search it comes back as no results?
How to fix?
04/27/16 09:11:57AM
1,353 posts

Configuring Contact Form

Using Jamroom

I have added the contact form to the widget- tested and says test was submitted successfully- but I have not received an email from the do i config my email address to the form so i receive the messages?
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
04/27/16 08:55:43AM
1,353 posts


Using Jamroom

I am using Site Builder and have added a site search to a page which seems to work well-I would like the template code for the Site Search so i can add it to templates-right now its only able to be configured into a specific widget but I would like the template code to add it to my header template ( which does not use widgets)
Thank you
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
04/21/16 12:20:52PM
1,353 posts

Developer Updates

Design and Skin Customization

On this page
there is a box called DEVELOPER UPDATES-could you share the code and any css used to make this?
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/03/16 12:46:40AM
04/18/16 08:32:25AM
1,353 posts

Problems When Updating The Aparna Module

Using Jamroom

Thank you guys...I had rolled back the system Core update just prior to rolling back i am sure the system core update is what got me. I will double check and make sure I have saved the template in the skins folder- but same issue with updating the RSS module- custom feeds stopped i will have to have a look there.
Thanks again
04/17/16 05:19:13PM
1,353 posts

Problems When Updating The Aparna Module

Using Jamroom

I have a module created using aparna....been working fine for a year now...a few months ago i added a "Google Maps" and "Spell Check" function to the tinymce editor- also been working fine for a few months.
However when updating the Aparna module to the latest release all my custom stuff in tinymce ( when using the text editor in my custom module) disappears in that there are no buttons in the editor for them?
I was not sure which update caused the issue so i started with the sitebuilder update and started working backwards clearing cache and integrity check after each module roll back...everything started working after rolling back aparna.. ( does not make sense top me because my custom module has a custom name and should not be getting updates) There was a template code in sitebuilder I had to edit when installing the customizations- but I bypassed updates to that by adding it on the FTP in the skins folder...any ideas why my custom stuff is disappearing with the aparna updates?
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
04/13/16 08:42:32AM
1,353 posts

Videos Uploaded Problems And Other Problems

Using Jamroom

Seems like the answer on the fix might be here

Article number: Article number: kb-1
Q. Do You Offer Jamroom Support?

A. Yes, we offer full Jamroom support should you run into any problems. This includes functions included in Jamroom not working correctly on the server, and other server related problems. We provide full support when it comes to being 100% fully functional on our servers.

We do not, however, offer support for script problems with the software itself. For example, if you should find a bug...we cannot fix it for you. You would need to report it in the forums, so the programmer may get the problem resolved. We do not provided extended support such as website design, jamroom installation/upgrades, Jamroom administration, Jamroom integration, and other non-server related issues.
This page has been viewed 1218 times
04/06/16 09:18:02AM
1,353 posts

Welcome to the new!


Yep-it looks really good