Forum Activity for @derrickhand300

05/01/16 05:49:11PM
1,353 posts

RSS Feeds Not Updating

Using Jamroom

Still working on is the latest error I get when validating a feed ( with show template in source shut off)
This feed does not validate.

line 11, column 16: Unexpected type attribute on description element (25 occurrences) [help]

                <description type='string'><![CDATA[
line 30, column 35: pubDate must be an RFC-822 date-time: 1462082400 (25 occurrences) [help]


updated by @derrickhand300: 05/01/16 05:49:36PM
04/30/16 03:36:45PM
1,353 posts

How To Change Image Gallery Order?

Using Jamroom

yes- that is actually the work around i have been using and instead of using the default gallery page I have been using the custom page using the template code reason for wanting to use the default page was for the upload button on the image that i could upload images directly from that page instead of clicking around to find the gallery default page..
04/30/16 03:32:55PM
1,353 posts

RSS Feeds Not Updating

Using Jamroom

Ok I rolled back my RSS version to the previous version...developer tools stuff is off--name template in source is off...still getting a ton of error messages when trying to validate both my blog feed and my news feed

To see the errors im seeing you can validate the feeds again here
04/30/16 03:23:54PM
1,353 posts

RSS Feeds Not Updating

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael..
I just checked...i was not running in developer mode... but I did have "show template in source" checked..
I unchecked that then did an integrity check and the feed still does not validate...getting a page full of errors now ( but before doing this i installed the RSS Update from the marketplace..) I will try to roll it back and see what happens
04/30/16 03:16:34PM
1,353 posts

Problems When Updating The Aparna Module

Using Jamroom

Thank you Michael!
Yeah that was the problem...I have it saved as jrSitebuilder_form_editor.tpl but forgot that it also had to be changed in jrCore_form_editor also...I just updated the core after changing the template to the skin in FTP and alls working well. Thanks again-I really dont want to lose out on updates :)
04/29/16 11:41:32AM
1,353 posts

RSS Feeds Not Updating

Using Jamroom

From what i can google
"the reason you are getting this error is you have extra white spaces somewhere in you plugin's PHP files. to resolve this remove any spaces before  in starting of the plugin file and after ?>."

Also this...

Wondering if this is a bug that needs fixing?
updated by @derrickhand300: 04/29/16 12:03:02PM
04/29/16 11:37:04AM
1,353 posts

RSS Feeds Not Updating

Using Jamroom

I noticed a few weeks ago that the feed aggregator that I use to display feeds has not been updating- I am having to update them manually. For weeks I have thought the issue was with the 3rd party paid service I was using. Then today I ran feeds from my site through a feed validator at

The feeds return an error ( attached)
I have not been editing anything in RSS feed templates and its been working fine for a year...but not now
Also feeds off pages like /photos and /videos do not work- they return an error message on the site that the module is not active ( which it is)
rss.JPG.jpg rss.JPG.jpg - 136KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
04/29/16 11:29:47AM
1,353 posts

How To Change Image Gallery Order?

Using Jamroom

No the newly uploaded images are being added randomly throughout the gallery- they are never first
trying to understand why
Many other issues-IMAGE TITLE appearing on ALL images in the gallery for instance if i upload a new image and give the image a title- that title appears on ALL images in the gallery

updated by @derrickhand300: 04/29/16 11:32:34AM
04/29/16 09:37:03AM
1,353 posts

How To Change Image Gallery Order?

Using Jamroom

Thanks-if I have 12 pages of images will I have to drag the newest image each time its uploaded across 12 pages to get it first? Also I need the pagination for the 12 pages...
Is there something more practical to
1- show the newest images in a gallery first
2-have pagination as needed
04/29/16 08:19:55AM
1,353 posts

How To Change Image Gallery Order?

Using Jamroom

I have images in a gallery- I want to change the order in which they are displayed
I would like them to be displayed like it is using this code
{jrCore_list module="jrGallery" search1="_profile_id = 1" order_by="_created desc" pagebreak="50" pager="true" page=$_post.p group_by="_item_id" template="widget_list_grid_4.tpl" tpl_dir="jrGallery"}

I am working in the jrGallery_item_gallery.tpl but I do not understand how this template is ordering the images?

I really thought somewhere in the template would be code similar to the above and i would only have to change the
order_by="_created desc"
Seems this template uses something different..
Any tips on how to do this?
I have attached the template code - 2KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM