Forum Activity for @derrickhand300

05/25/16 10:43:54AM
1,353 posts

Editor Embed Media Update Bug

Ning To Jamroom

Ok just ran through the process again...this time it worked :)
Not sure WHY because running integrity check/clear caches is part of my normal progression on ALL updates-...just glad its fixed-now I have to try and find why its removed my google maps plug in from the toolbar in the editor...I see the plug in is still installed in the form_editor.tpl and the site_builder_form_editor.tpl.... so now I will need to write that developer and see whats happened..
Thanks Michael
PS- wish you could have seen my favorite Kiwi beat on the Golden State warriors last few games! Steven Adams is a BEAST on the basketball court like you are a BEAST on site builder :)
05/25/16 10:21:37AM
1,353 posts

Editor Embed Media Update Bug

Ning To Jamroom

I ran integrity check and cleared caches after both installs-I do it after EVERY update...still had the issue on both occasions...also switched my cloudflare into development mode just in case...will try again later today
Thanks Michael
updated by @derrickhand300: 05/25/16 10:22:55AM
05/24/16 06:45:23AM
1,353 posts

Video Display Problem

Using Jamroom

Still doing it here....I updated the above thread with a screenshot which should better explain
05/24/16 06:40:19AM
1,353 posts

Editor Embed Media Update Bug

Ning To Jamroom

Its an issue with embedding a single image in a post ( not taken or uploaded to gallery)
I have installed the update again- and it still does not work-here is what I did
1-create a post
2-select area in post to add an image with mouse cursor
3-select the editor embed media button in the editor toolbar
4-this is a screenshot of what i am seeing after I click the editor embed media button in the toolbar- as you can see its blank..

I am reverting back now-but hope this helps explain
Capture.JPG.jpg Capture.JPG.jpg - 38KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 05/24/16 06:40:52AM
05/23/16 09:04:04PM
1,353 posts

Video Display Problem

Using Jamroom

Thanks- thats the issue-both players should be the black player...
Concerning reverting to the previous version...I did that a couple days ago moments after updating because after updating I could not embed an image into a news i reverted and it worked fine again so i am staying with that version until that bug/issue is resolved.
Thanks again
05/23/16 10:13:41AM
1,353 posts

Video Display Problem

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas...
I tried the update to the embed module but it broke the editor-pls see this post

I have reset the caches still have the issue- cant update because the embed field is blank in the editor after installing the update
05/23/16 08:16:45AM
1,353 posts

Video Display Problem

Using Jamroom

When I upload a video to my site using jrVideo the resulting video output is a black player with controls visible and displayed properly

However when I embed that video in a post/article on the site I am getting a gray player with the controls only visible on mouseover and what seems to be worse is that part of the video when displayed in the gray player is cut off at the bottom

Is there a setting that will sync these 2 so that they both display the black player with the proper dimensions?

I will add a screenshot with images of each player

What i am after is this...I want the video that is displayed when using the EMBED VIDEO code
[jrEmbed module="jrVideo" id="44"]
to be the exact same as the video on the page where it is originally uploaded

Thank you

Also if you go to the page where the video is embeded you will see a strange gray bar at the top of the video
black player displayed correctly.JPG.jpg black player displayed correctly.JPG.jpg - 63KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
05/22/16 07:22:14AM
1,353 posts

Editor Embed Media Update Bug

Ning To Jamroom

Just updated the Editor Embed Media...cleared cache/integrity check...then tried to embed a image and it failed...actually the image editor is failing to load....reverted back to the previous version and works fine ( Google Chrome)
Just wanted to report..
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/30/16 03:05:21AM
05/12/16 12:23:46PM
1,353 posts

GeoIP question

Using Jamroom
