Forum Activity for @madc

12/30/13 09:54:06AM
600 posts

Artists By Rating - jrRating Module

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks @brian that worked. But still have a problem with the rating not showing up in my timeline.
Had @michael helping me today and we couldn't get the timeline to show the ACTIVITY.

I am using this code in the profile_header.tpl

               <div class="block">
                    <div class="block_content mt10">
                        <div style="padding-top:8px;min-height:48px;max-height:288px;overflow:auto;">
                            {jrUser_online_status profile_id=$_profile_id}
{jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="star" module="jrProfile" index="1" item_id=$_profile_id current=$profile_rating_1_average_count|default:0 votes=$profile_rating_1_count|default:0 }
12/29/13 06:14:43PM
600 posts

login form

Design and Skin Customization

If he quotes your post with the missing code above @douglas the code shows up in the post box below.
12/29/13 06:08:50PM
600 posts

Artists By Rating - jrRating Module

Design and Skin Customization

Ok title is now showing in the datastore browser but the rating don't look the same as the other ones ( eg. song rating )
They still seem to be getting split.
See images below.

and now these are only notices but they are occurring whenever I rate a profile

<span class="php_Notice">[30-Dec-2013 00:48:26 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: in /home/punkbp/public_html/addonsites/jr/modules/jrRating-release-1.1.1/include.php on line 156 [x 29]

<span class="php_Notice">[30-Dec-2013 00:48:26 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: _item_id in /home/punkbp/public_html/addonsites/jr/modules/jrCore-release-5.1.9/index.php on line 7390 [x 18]

rating-1.jpg rating-1.jpg - 178KB

updated by @madc: 12/30/13 03:02:52AM
12/27/13 03:43:10PM
600 posts

jrAudio and some files?

Installation and Configuration

Just re-read my post and it may have seemed a bit harsh- I apologise for that.
We use wimpy player right now and it plays everything we need in any browser.
So that's why I was leaning towards jplayer as we have had problems with that before hence moving to wimpy.
But as you said if you get the same results without running it through jplayer then its got me stumped.
an mp3 is an mp3 . One of the oldest well recognised forms of getting audio over the net.
12/27/13 03:12:58PM
600 posts

jrAudio and some files?

Installation and Configuration

no issues on Firefox or Safari.
Ummmm I am experiencing it?
I am not making it up
updated by @madc: 12/27/13 03:19:12PM
12/27/13 03:09:50PM
600 posts

jrAudio and some files?

Installation and Configuration

Sorry posted too long but really???
12/27/13 03:09:12PM
600 posts

jrAudio and some files?

Installation and Configuration

Ok haven't updated yet mate but , again, Why does soundcloud play in all browsers?
I just tested with a
windows 8 phone
a pendopad android tablet running jellybean
a new ( thanks to the kids ) ipad mini with retina display
An iphone 4 a 5s
samsung galaxy s3 ( my neighbours ) and s4
It all works
All songs from soundcloud seem to play so is it a jPlayer issue?
12/27/13 02:29:49PM
600 posts

jrAudio and some files?

Installation and Configuration

Well we are on a good dedi server as well. Thats not the issue. We have never had any issue with lag time with loading anything.
And his site has EXACTLY the same problem
see here
In chrome please
It's identical to the issue we are having
Although that link will not play in firefox at all on a mac .
It just shows the pause button as if its playing something for about 45+ seconds than stops so thats worse ..
Safari just comes through with about three seconds of noise than it stops.
So there is a problem
The player perhaps?

updated by @madc: 12/27/13 02:38:41PM