Forum Activity for @madc

03/02/14 01:39:00AM
600 posts

Automatically add tag to module

Design and Skin Customization

I have a Twitter module I have created.
When someone adds a twitter account in their profile ( I have it set to limit 5 )
Is there a way when they create one that it can automatically add a tag like say: Twitter
(jrTags module installed)
updated by @madc: 04/13/14 10:12:08PM
03/01/14 07:30:23PM
600 posts

Search function not working here at Jamroom?

Jamroom Help

I tried searching the forums today and no results come back.
When clearly they are there

My result

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 1.28.15 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 1.28.15 PM.png - 33KB
03/01/14 05:29:45PM
600 posts

Translations for Nova Skin

Tips and Tricks

Sorry @Douglas, The guy who did it has edited it again
Here it is. There were some minor errors and the apostrophes weren't escaped which was making the integrity check hang.
-------------- -------------------

$lang[1] = 'accueill';
$lang[2] = 'créer';
$lang[3] = 'compte';
$lang[4] = 'profile';
$lang[5] = 'déconnexion';
$lang[6] = 'accés a votre compte';
$lang[7] = 'bienvenue sur';
$lang[8] = 'site';
$lang[9] = 'Actualités';
$lang[10] = 'Blog';
$lang[11] = 'le plus récent';
$lang[12] = 'Artistes';
$lang[13] = 'mots';
$lang[14] = 'Vidéos';
$lang[15] = 'YouTube';
$lang[16] = 'administrateur';
$lang[17] = 'tableau de bord';
$lang[18] = 'pages';
$lang[19] = 'événements';
$lang[20] = 'menu';
$lang[21] = 'en vedette';
$lang[22] = 'tout';
$lang[23] = 'voir tous';
$lang[24] = 'recherche';
$lang[25] = 'Changer Image';
$lang[26] = 'PCA';
$lang[27] = 'graphiques';
$lang[28] = 'Mot';
$lang[29] = 'Video';
$lang[30] = 'Concerts';
$lang[31] = 'en haut';
$lang[32] = 'Chaque Semaine';
$lang[33] = 'Chaque Mois';
$lang[34] = 'Chaque Année';
$lang[35] = 'Communité';
$lang[36] = 'derniers articles';
$lang[37] = 'Nos Commanditaires';
$lang[38] = 'utilisateurs';
$lang[39] = 'en ligne';
$lang[40] = 'panier'; 
$lang[41] = 'plus';
$lang[42] = 'statistiques';
$lang[43] = 'radio';
$lang[44] = 'TV';
$lang[45] = 'Paramètres';
$lang[46] = 'déplacé';
$lang[47] = 'position';
$lang[48] = 'par nom';
$lang[49] = 'jeux';
$lang[50] = 'par nombre de lectures';
$lang[51] = 'prochain';
$lang[52] = 'Archives';
$lang[53] = 'Article';
$lang[54] = 'par notes';
$lang[55] = 'profils';
$lang[56] = 'maître';
$lang[57] = 'administrateurs';
$lang[58] = 'Membres';
$lang[59] = 'visiteurs';
$lang[60] = 'total';
$lang[61] = 'SoundCloud';
$lang[62] = 'YouTube';
$lang[63] = 'Vimeo';
$lang[64] = 'Skin';
$lang[65] = 'outils système'; 
$lang[66] = 'Conditions de Service';
$lang[67] = 'Politique de Confidentialité';
$lang[68] = 'Contactez-nous'; 
$lang[69] = 'sujet'; 
$lang[70] = 'message';
$lang[71] = 'Vous pouvez nous contacter en utilisant l\'adresse, adresse e-mail ou numéro de téléphone ci-dessous.';
$lang[72] = 'Modifier les Paramètres';
$lang[73] = 'S\'il vous plaît entrez le message que vous souhaitez envoyer';
$lang[74] = ' et nous reviendrons vers vous dès que possible.';
$lang[75] = 'Envoyer Message';
$lang[76] = 'Vous n\'avez pas ajouté vos coordonnées dans les paramètres de l\'apparence! Modifiez les paramètres de contact en cliquant sur le bouton en forme de rouage vers la droite.'; 
$lang[77] = 'Désolé! Nous n\'avons pas encore ajouté notre information pour cette section.';
$lang[78] = 'Journaux d\'activité';
$lang[79] = 'Vider le cache';
$lang[80] = 'Vérifier l\'intégrité';
$lang[81] = 'Articles Interdits';
$lang[82] = 'Menu de l\'éditeur d\'apparence';
$lang[83] = 'Créez Plan du site';
$lang[84] = 'Vérification du Système';
$lang[85] = 'Annuler';
$lang[86] = 'À propos de'; 
$lang[87] = 'Abonnements';
$lang[88] = 'Vues';
$lang[89] = 'Souscrire';
$lang[90] = 'catégories'; 
$lang[91] = 'Outils de Développement';
$lang[92] = 'Vider le cache de l\'image';
$lang[93] = 'Blogs';
$lang[94] = 'Influences';
$lang[95] = 'Noté récemment';
$lang[96] = 'Quota de Navigateur Internet'; 
$lang[96] = 'Navigateur de Quota';
$lang[97] = 'Comptes d\'utilisateurs';
$lang[98] = 'flux d\'activité';
$lang[99] = 'profil Navigateur';
$lang[100] = 'Qui est en ligne';
$lang[101] = 'Utilisateurs';
$lang[102] = 'Paramètres de l\'apparence';
$lang[103] = 'Articles';
$lang[104] = 'par emplacement';
$lang[105] = 'Créer';

updated by @madc: 03/01/14 09:12:52PM
03/01/14 01:55:26AM
600 posts

Translations for Nova Skin

Tips and Tricks

Not sure if this can be used across the board but I had a mate of mine from france translate the lang file to french
I have posted on our forum and we have people from all over the world. I have asked them to translate it for us to whatever language.
Any new ones I will post here
This is french
$lang[1] = 'accueill';
$lang[2] = 'créer';
$lang[3] = 'compte';
$lang[4] = 'profile';
$lang[5] = 'déconnexion';
$lang[6] = 'accés a votre compte';
$lang[7] = 'bienvenue sur';
$lang[8] = 'site';
$lang[9] = 'Actualités';
$lang[10] = 'Blog';
$lang[11] = 'le plus récent';
$lang[12] = 'Artistes';
$lang[13] = 'mots';
$lang[14] = 'Vidéos';
$lang[15] = 'YouTube';
$lang[16] = 'administrateur';
$lang[17] = 'tableau de bord';
$lang[18] = 'pages';
$lang[19] = 'événements';
$lang[20] = 'menu';
$lang[21] = 'sélectionnée';
$lang[22] = 'tout';
$lang[23] = 'voir tous';
$lang[24] = 'recherche';
$lang[25] = 'Changer Image';
$lang[26] = 'PCA';
$lang[27] = 'graphiques';
$lang[28] = 'Mot';
$lang[29] = 'Video';
$lang[30] = 'Concerts';
$lang[31] = 'en haut';
$lang[32] = 'Chaque Semaine';
$lang[33] = 'Chaque Mois';
$lang[34] = 'Chaque An';
$lang[35] = 'Communité';
$lang[36] = 'derniers articles';
$lang[37] = 'Affiliés';
$lang[38] = 'utilisateurs';
$lang[39] = 'en ligne';
$lang[40] = 'chariot';
$lang[41] = 'plus';
$lang[42] = 'statistiques';
$lang[43] = 'radio';
$lang[44] = 'TV';
$lang[45] = 'Paramètres';
$lang[46] = 'déplacé';
$lang[47] = 'position';
$lang[48] = 'par nom';
$lang[49] = 'jeux';
$lang[50] = 'par jeu';
$lang[51] = 'prochain';
$lang[52] = 'Archives';
$lang[53] = 'Article';
$lang[54] = 'par notes';
$lang[55] = 'profils';
$lang[56] = 'maître';
$lang[57] = 'administrateurs';
$lang[58] = 'Membres';
$lang[59] = 'visiteurs';
$lang[60] = 'total';
$lang[61] = 'SoundCloud';
$lang[62] = 'YouTube';
$lang[63] = 'Vimeo';
$lang[64] = 'Skin';
$lang[65] = 'outils de système';
$lang[66] = 'Conditions de Service';
$lang[67] = 'Politique de Confidentialité';
$lang[68] = 'Contact Nous';
$lang[69] = 'subjet';
$lang[70] = 'message';
$lang[71] = 'Vous pouvez nous contacter en utilisant l'adresse, adresse e-mail ou numéro de téléphone ci-dessous.';
$lang[72] = 'Modifier les Paramètres';
$lang[73] = 'S'il vous plaît entrez le message que vous souhaitez envoyer';
$lang[74] = ' et nous reviendrons vers vous dès que possible.';
$lang[75] = 'Envoyer Message';
$lang[76] = 'Vous n'avez pas ajouté vos coordonnées dans les paramètres de la skin! Modifiez les paramètres de contact en cliquant sur le bouton de vitesse vers la droite.';
$lang[77] = 'Désolé! Nous n'avons pas encore ajouté notre information pour cette section.';
$lang[78] = 'Journaux d'activité';
$lang[79] = 'Vider le cache';
$lang[80] = 'Vérifier l'intégrité';
$lang[81] = 'Articles Interdits';
$lang[82] = 'Menu de Skin Editor';
$lang[83] = 'Créez Plan du site';
$lang[84] = 'Vérification du Système';
$lang[85] = 'Annuler';
$lang[86] = 'Qui sommes';
$lang[87] = 'Abonnements';
$lang[88] = 'Vues';
$lang[89] = 'Souscrire';
$lang[90] = 'categories';
$lang[91] = 'Outils de Développement';
$lang[92] = 'Vider le cache de l'image';
$lang[93] = 'Blogs';
$lang[94] = 'Influènces';
$lang[95] = 'Evaluer récemment';
$lang[96] = 'Quota de Navigateur Internet'; (if is internet browser)
$lang[96] = 'Navigateur de Quota'; (if plain browsing quota)
$lang[97] = 'Comptes d'utilisateurs';
$lang[98] = 'flux d'activité';
$lang[99] = 'profil Navigateur';
$lang[100] = 'Qui est en ligne';
$lang[101] = 'Utilisateurs';
$lang[102] = 'Paramètres de Skin';
$lang[103] = 'Articles';
$lang[104] = 'par emplacement';
$lang[105] = 'Créer';

updated by @madc: 06/17/14 05:27:00AM
03/01/14 01:38:35AM
600 posts

Rating A Profile, Is This Correct?

Design and Skin Customization

Where do you want to display it? Do you want to add another tab to the artists section?
The code you used in the first post will display the rating for the artist in their profile.
You throw that code in your skins profile_header.tpl.
If you want to display artists by rating I can help you there
Not sure what you want
02/28/14 11:24:13PM
600 posts

Nova Spanish Language File not selectable in Admin

Design and Skin Customization

as the title says.
I can select it from the user or profile areas but anywhere else like the Core area it's not in the drop down.
Only En-US
How do I make it so I can edit the new spanish language file in the Admin Panel?
updated by @madc: 04/21/14 10:06:31PM
02/28/14 11:12:26PM
600 posts

Using Google Fonts

Design and Skin Customization

Just a question, I am using a google font on places throughout my site.
Sometimes they don't show until you hover over where the text would be.
Anyone know of a fix.
It's 50-50 at the moment. The text is sometimes invisible until hovered over other times they load fine.
Just wondering if I need to add a hard copy to my site instead of pulling the font from google.
Any ideas would be great
Build site is at
Its the script type of text used for band names etc
As I said it only happens sometimes so you may not see it initially.
Clear your cache after a page load and refresh etc and you might see it
I am using chrome latest version on a Mac
updated by @madc: 04/08/14 07:21:42AM
02/28/14 10:34:08PM
600 posts

Nova footer.tpl change?

Design and Skin Customization

Just curious as to why in the latest update of the Nova skin ( Because I am using a clone )
Why this code was removed from the footer.tpl ( around line 78 )?

        if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)<7)

Can I Remove it from my cloned version?
updated by @madc: 04/11/14 10:11:25PM