Forum Activity for @madc

03/05/14 03:48:35PM
600 posts

Translations for Nova Skin

Tips and Tricks

Ok haven't done a compare but this is what he came up with ( all these translations are by people from those countries btw )


$lang[1] = 'Inicio';
$lang[2] = 'crear';
$lang[3] = 'cuenta';
$lang[4] = 'perfil';
$lang[5] = 'salir';
$lang[6] = 'ingresar';
$lang[7] = 'bienvenido a';
$lang[8] = 'sitio';
$lang[9] = 'Noticias';
$lang[10] = 'Blog';
$lang[11] = 'lo más reciente';
$lang[12] = 'Artistas';
$lang[13] = 'Canciones';
$lang[14] = 'Videos';
$lang[15] = 'YouTube';
$lang[16] = 'administrador';
$lang[17] = 'Tablero De Mandos';
$lang[18] = 'páginas';
$lang[19] = 'Eventos';
$lang[20] = 'menú';
$lang[21] = 'destacado';
$lang[22] = 'todo';
$lang[23] = 'ver todo';
$lang[24] = 'buscar';
$lang[25] = 'Cambiar Imágen';
$lang[26] = 'APC';
$lang[27] = 'Gráficos';
$lang[28] = 'Canción';
$lang[29] = 'Video';
$lang[30] = 'Conciertos';
$lang[31] = 'top';
$lang[32] = 'Semanal';
$lang[33] = 'Mensual';
$lang[34] = 'Anual';
$lang[35] = 'Comunidad';
$lang[36] = 'últimos artículos';
$lang[37] = 'Afiliados';
$lang[38] = 'usuarios';
$lang[39] = 'en línea';
$lang[40] = 'carrito';
$lang[41] = 'más';
$lang[42] = 'estadísticas';
$lang[43] = 'radio';
$lang[44] = 'TV';
$lang[45] = 'Configuraciones';
$lang[46] = 'movido';
$lang[47] = 'posición';
$lang[48] = 'por nombre';
$lang[49] = 'reproducciones';
$lang[50] = 'por reproducciones';
$lang[51] = 'lo que viene';
$lang[52] = 'Archivos';
$lang[53] = 'Artículo';
$lang[54] = 'por clasificación';
$lang[55] = 'perfiles';
$lang[56] = 'maestro;
$lang[57] = 'administradores';
$lang[58] = 'Miembros';
$lang[59] = 'visitantes';
$lang[60] = 'total';
$lang[61] = 'SoundCloud';
$lang[62] = 'YouTube';
$lang[63] = 'Vimeo';
$lang[64] = 'Skin';
$lang[65] = 'Herramientas De Sistema';
$lang[66] = 'Términos Del Servicio';
$lang[67] = 'Política De Privacidad';
$lang[68] = 'Contactanos';
$lang[69] = 'tema';
$lang[70] = 'mensaje';
$lang[71] = 'Puedes contactarnos mediante la dirección, dirección de correo electrónico o número de teléfono que aparece debajo.';
$lang[72] = 'Modificar Configuraciones';
$lang[73] = 'Por favor, ingresa el mensaje a enviar';
$lang[74] = ' y te contestaremos a la brevedad.';
$lang[75] = 'Enviar Mensaje';
$lang[76] = 'No has agregado tu información de contacto en la configuración del skin! Modifica la configuración de contacto haciendo clic en el botón de configuraciones a la derecha.';
$lang[77] = 'Disculpa! No hemos agregado la información de esta sección aún.';
$lang[78] = 'Registro De Actividades';
$lang[79] = 'Reiniciar Caché';
$lang[80] = 'Comprobación De Identidad';
$lang[81] = 'Objetos prohibidos';
$lang[82] = 'Editor de skin del menú';
$lang[83] = 'Crear Mapa Del Sitio';
$lang[84] = 'Comprobación Del Sistema';
$lang[85] = 'Cancelar';
$lang[86] = 'Sobre';
$lang[87] = 'Seguidores';
$lang[88] = 'Vistas';
$lang[89] = 'Suscribirse';
$lang[90] = 'categorías';
$lang[91] = 'Herramientas De Desarrolador';
$lang[92] = 'Reiniciar Caché De Imágenes';
$lang[93] = 'Blogs';
$lang[94] = 'Influencias';
$lang[95] = 'Clasificados Recientemente';
$lang[96] = 'Buscador De Quotas';
$lang[97] = 'Cuentas De Usuario';
$lang[98] = 'canal de actividad';
$lang[99] = 'Buscador De Perfiles';
$lang[100] = 'Quién Esta En Línea';
$lang[101] = 'Usuarios';
$lang[102] = 'Configuraciones De Skin';
$lang[103] = 'Artículos';
$lang[104] = 'por lugar';
$lang[105] = 'Creado';
03/05/14 08:03:31AM
600 posts

Translations for Nova Skin

Tips and Tricks

Ok I have received a Slovenian translation from our other site
The user asked heaps of questions about a few of them but in the end I think they are pretty good.
Actually received a Spanish one as well when you releases yours. Haven't compared them though :)
$lang[1] = 'domov';
$lang[2] = 'ustvari';
$lang[3] = 'račun';
$lang[4] = 'profil';
$lang[5] = 'odjaviti se';
$lang[6] = 'prijaviti se';
$lang[7] = 'dobrodošli';
$lang[8] = 'stran';
$lang[9] = 'novice';
$lang[10] = 'blog';
$lang[11] = 'najnovejši';
$lang[12] = 'skupina';
$lang[13] = 'skladbe';
$lang[14] = 'videi';
$lang[15] = 'YouTube';
$lang[16] = 'skrbnik';
$lang[17] = 'armaturna plošča';
$lang[18] = 'strani';
$lang[19] = 'dogodki';
$lang[20] = 'meni';
$lang[21] = 'predstavljeni'; 
$lang[22] = 'vsi';
$lang[23] = 'videti vse';
$lang[24] = 'iskati';
$lang[25] = 'spremeni sliko';
$lang[26] = 'SNP'; 
$lang[27] = 'grafikon';
$lang[28] = 'pesem';
$lang[29] = 'video';
$lang[30] = 'koncerti';
$lang[31] = 'na vrhu';
$lang[32] = 'tedenski';
$lang[33] = 'mesečni';
$lang[34] = 'letni';
$lang[35] = 'skupnost';
$lang[36] = 'zadnji članki';
$lang[37] = 'partnerji';
$lang[38] = 'uporabniki';
$lang[39] = 'na spletu';
$lang[40] = 'voziček';
$lang[41] = 'več';
$lang[42] = 'statistika';
$lang[43] = 'radio';
$lang[44] = 'televizija';
$lang[45] = 'nastavitve';
$lang[46] = 'premaknjen';
$lang[47] = 'pozicija';
$lang[48] = 'po imenu';
$lang[49] = 'igra';
$lang[50] = 'igrano'; 
$lang[51] = 'naslednji';
$lang[52] = 'arhiv';
$lang[53] = 'članek';
$lang[54] = 'z oceno';
$lang[55] = 'profili';
$lang[56] = 'gospodar';
$lang[57] = 'skrbniki';
$lang[58] = 'člani';
$lang[59] = 'obiskovalci';
$lang[60] = 'celoten';
$lang[61] = 'SoundCloud'; 
$lang[62] = 'YouTube';
$lang[63] = 'Vimeo'; 
$lang[64] = 'koža';
$lang[65] = 'sistemska orodja';
$lang[66] = 'splošni pogoji';
$lang[67] = 'politika zasebnosti';
$lang[68] = 'kontaktirajte nas';
$lang[69] = 'predmet';
$lang[70] = 'sporočilo';
$lang[71] = 'lahko nas kontaktirate z uporabo naslova, internetnega poštnega naslova ali telefonske številke napisane spodaj.';
$lang[72] = 'spreminjanje nastavitev';
$lang[73] = 'prosim vpiši sporočilo, ki ga hočeš poslati';
$lang[74] = ' sporočili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.';
$lang[75] = 'pošlji sporočilo';
$lang[76] = 'Niste dodali svoje podatke v nastavitvah kože! Spremenite nastavitve za stike s klikom na desni prestavni gumb.';
$lang[77] = 'Oprostite! Nismo še dodali naše podatke za ta odsek.';
$lang[78] = 'Dnevnik dejavnosti';
$lang[79] = 'ponastavi predpomnilnik.';
$lang[80] = 'preverjanje celovitosti';
$lang[81] = 'prepovedani predmeti';
$lang[82] = 'urejevalnik menija kože '; 
$lang[83] = 'ustvari zemljevid strani';
$lang[84] = 'preizkus sistema';
$lang[85] = 'prekliči';
$lang[86] = 'o';
$lang[87] = 'sledilci';
$lang[88] = 'pogledi';
$lang[89] = 'podpisati';
$lang[90] = 'kategorije';
$lang[91] = 'razvijalčeva orodja';
$lang[92] = 'ponastavitev slike predpomnilnika';
$lang[93] = 'blogi';
$lang[94] = 'vplivi';
$lang[95] = 'ocenjeno pred kratkim';
$lang[96] = 'brskalnik kvote';
$lang[97] = 'uporabniški računi';
$lang[98] = 'objave'; 
$lang[99] = 'iskalnik profila'; 
$lang[100] = 'kdo je prijavljen';
$lang[101] = 'uporabniki';
$lang[102] = 'nastavitve kože';
$lang[103] = 'članki';
$lang[104] = 'glede na lokacijo';
$lang[105] = 'ustvarjen';

updated by @madc: 03/05/14 08:05:26AM
03/03/14 11:54:56PM
600 posts

Removing stray profile from datastore

Installation and Configuration

Ok another update.
Our other admin told me he was logged in as main admin but the last profile he edited was displaying at that link
I tried another account ( Myself ) as admin then went to the link and it now showed my account at the link
03/03/14 06:21:14PM
600 posts

Removing stray profile from datastore

Installation and Configuration

Ok it is still there

Link is
in admin
If I click on that link ( or the modify button in ACP as it can't be deleted )
it shows me the Main admin account but url is id=

This link
and this link
show the same account at my end

Our other admin ( BA9801 ) clicked the
to see what he got and he got one of the bands ( id=118 ) at the same link

I know it sounds confusing but something is not right.

I got him to test it to see what I was seeing and he never saw what I was seeing but the link was the same

Anyone want log ins to check?
It doesn't seem to be effecting anything so far but would like to remove it in case it does
updated by @madc: 03/03/14 06:25:13PM
03/03/14 04:04:19PM
600 posts

Removing stray profile from datastore

Installation and Configuration

These are the only two in that table
0 profile_jrSmiley_item_count 0 8
0 profile_jrTrace_item_count 0 72
Any other thoughts?
03/03/14 09:04:41AM
600 posts

Removing stray profile from datastore

Installation and Configuration

If I go into profiles in the acp i see the below
If I try to delete it it the url in the address bar is
So it is an empty profile that has been added or not deleted properly

Screen Shot 2014-03-04 at 3.00.14 AM.png Screen Shot 2014-03-04 at 3.00.14 AM.png - 84KB

updated by @madc: 04/08/14 12:02:05PM
03/03/14 07:42:02AM
600 posts

Nova Clone

Any ideas would be great
The live site when done will be at
updated by @madc: 03/03/14 07:43:03AM
03/03/14 07:19:01AM
600 posts

SOLVED - Hide or Delete past events

Design and Skin Customization

Ok I worked it out
Had to remove the order by section in two places
{jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by=$order_by 

and replace it with this
{jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search="event_date >= `$`"

All is working now.

Thought that would have been standard in a skin for upcoming concerts ? ( from todays date )
Should the Nova skin be updated at your end or is there a reason why you guys kept past concerts in the Upcoming Concerts section of the concert.tpl?

to fix if anyone else wants this capability, below is my edit of the bottom of the file

<div class="inner">
{if isset($_conf.jrPunkBP_require_images) && $_conf.jrPunkBP_require_images == 'on'}

    {if isset($_post._1) && strlen($_post._1) > 1}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by=$order_by search="event_location = `$_post._1`" template="concerts_row.tpl" require_image="event_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrPunkBP_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
    {elseif isset($_post.option) && $_post.option == 'locations'}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by=$order_by group_by="event_location" template="concerts_locations.tpl" require_image="event_image" pagebreak="20" page=$_post.p}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search="event_date >= `$`" order_by="event_date asc" template="concerts_row.tpl" require_image="event_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrPunkBP_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}


    {if isset($_post._1) && strlen($_post._1) > 1}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by=$order_by search="event_location = `$_post._1`" template="concerts_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrPunkBP_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
    {elseif isset($_post.option) && $_post.option == 'locations'}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by=$order_by group_by="event_location" template="concerts_locations.tpl" pagebreak="20" page=$_post.p}
        {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search="event_date >= `$`" order_by="event_date asc" template="concerts_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrPunkBP_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}



{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}

This can be closed now @brian. Thanks @paul and @SteveX for your help.
As I have said in other posts. Complete newbie but slowly getting there :)